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4 votes

Why does NDSolve fail to converge when solving for Sadowsky ribbon with nonzero θ?

This answer provides solutions over a wide range of θ for the system of equations given in the question. Edited to extend range of ...
bbgodfrey's user avatar
  • 62.1k
3 votes

Why does NDSolve fail to converge when solving for Sadowsky ribbon with nonzero θ?

Solution for $\theta=\pi/3$ can be computed in 3 step. On the first step we use the Euler wavelets collocation method and NMinimize to compute initial data for <...
Alex Trounev's user avatar
  • 48.8k
2 votes

Integration using ImplicitRegion[] or the tranditional form?

Ulrich Neumann's user avatar

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