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Questions tagged [file-transfer]

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Issue in Saving a File as PDF

I am trying to save my Mathematica home works (exercises which I have to attempt on the same provided notebook as provided by the teacher) into a full PDF file. The file contains about 100 pdf pages ...
Jpmg's user avatar
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Searching directory over a network

I have a network drive mapped on my Windows machine. I need to read data from the network that is nested in a few directories below the root. Example is "G:/Data/folder01/data/date_name/values....
jpskin's user avatar
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5 votes
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Direct Import Remote File via SSH without Copying in Windows

Is there any option to directly import to a Windows-driven Mathematica kernel a file from a remote server without copying it on hard drive? Right now I'm using ...
Lechuu's user avatar
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Export Semidefinite Program To MOSEK readible file

Mathematica supports using the MOSEK solver for semidefinite programs now. I have some code that generates the conditions for some SDP problem, which I want to solve using MOSEK. Problem is that it ...
user1792605's user avatar
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Lightweight Grid: transfer a file to the master kernel? [closed]

I am trying to run code on a Lightweight Grid using ParallelDo. I have ~300 jobs that each take ~20 minutes to run and produce ~8 MB of data, and I am using a ...
book_kees's user avatar
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How to efficiently flatten folders?

I have 100 folders each with 1 million images, is there any (efficient) Mathematica command to flatten them into a single folder with 100 million files? Iterating and doing CopyFile and DeleteFile ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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How to zip folders

I know that one can archive data with Mathematica using: CreateArchive[source,path] I have a lot of folders (folder1, folder2,folder2 etc.) that I would like to ...
james's user avatar
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Save all the variable with file name containing the Time stamp [duplicate]

How to save all the variable with a filename containing the Timestamp. For example: If the current time is 2:30:56 PM, The file name should be ...
kosa's user avatar
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Looking for specific data in .txt file

I've the following code: Import["test.txt"] And it gives me: 1,10 2,20 3,30 4,40 5,50 6,60 7,70 8,80 9,90 10,100 11,110 12,120 13,130 14,140 15,...
Looper's user avatar
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Searching in a .txt file for a specific time

I've the following code: Import["hoi1.txt"] And it gives me: "(time,voltage,current,power) (1,10,5,10*5) (2,20,6,20*6) (3,30,7,30*7) (4,40,8,40*8) (...
Looper's user avatar
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3 votes
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Easy way to download/upload to S3?

I need to access a bucket to put and get a few files, is there any nice way to do this in Mathematica?
M.R.'s user avatar
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Write list of numbers to a file

I have a list of numbers: e.g. list={1,2,3,4,5} To write the list to a file I use (here each integer number occupies 7 spaces): ...
mrz's user avatar
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How to make new line in mathematica file output?

I know that new line is classically made by "\n". I want to make a string with lines of data and then export it into a file: ...
Aug's user avatar
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Rename a list of files [duplicate]

I need to rename a list of files .bmp having name like 1.bmp, 2.bmp,...,155.bmp. I want to get a list of files having the same number of digits in name like 001.bmp,002.bmp....,155.bmp. I am trying ...
BetterEnglish's user avatar
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Merge StyleSheet into a notebook

I have a custom style called style1.nb and I want to install it into a notebook Class01.nb so I can send only the notebook file to my students with the style of style1.nb. Is that possible?
Gonzalo's user avatar
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NetLink Exporting Images doesn't work (Unknown string escape)

Exporting Image files (intermittently) doesn't work: I get messages back indicating the error is to do with escaping characters: ...
WolframFan's user avatar
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Automating SFTP upload within Mathematica?

I have MMA-generated html and would like to automate uploading to a named directory to a web host via SFTP or HTTP POST, ideally without creating local temp files. The closest question I could find on ...
alancalvitti's user avatar
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