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Questions tagged [autosave]

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Issue in Saving a File as PDF

I am trying to save my Mathematica home works (exercises which I have to attempt on the same provided notebook as provided by the teacher) into a full PDF file. The file contains about 100 pdf pages ...
Jpmg's user avatar
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A strange error occurs when using First, Last, and Take to pick out list elements for dynamically styling a button

The top function setstyles is the only one we need to focus on. However, the four functions below it are needed for this to work. These validate up to 4 properties ...
Jules Manson's user avatar
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How to use NotebookDynamicExpression on a timed event

I have a few questions for how the feature NotebookDynamicExpression was used in ResourceFunction[SetNotebookAutoSaveTime]. Below is the entire definition: ...
Jules Manson's user avatar
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Autosave Untitled notebooks in $TemporaryDirectory

Recently I learned the hard way that there exists autosave functionality for notebooks. When a notebook is not saved yet, though, this feature doesn't work. Question: Is there a way to tell ...
Gert's user avatar
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My dynamic button evaluates as soon as it's created. How do I stop this behavior?

I think I finally hit on the holy grail of buttons. With a very small footprint I coded a dynamic AutoSave button whose duration and frequency can be set all the while showing very useful dynamic real ...
Jules Manson's user avatar
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Please help with dynamic autosave button that only halfway works?

Ive been working on this from morning to midnight (primarily studying the docs that never seem to have useful examples) only to to make very little ground. I am trying to code a dynamic button that ...
Jules Manson's user avatar
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Why is my autoSave function not working?

This is not asking how to set up a timed recurring autoSave so please do not flag as already answered. The following should work but it doesn't and I cannot figure out why. While running this I made ...
Jules Manson's user avatar
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