
What is the best way to include the 2 axis plot in Scidraw? I need it as one of a bunch of multipanel figures and when I include it with FigGraphics the second Y axis is lost. I can manually use TickLabelFunction to restore the correct ticks, but this is very tedious.


1 Answer 1


I actually managed to answer this one while writing the question, and thought I would share the answer. Scidraw makes it super easy to do 2 axis plots!

a = Plot[1000*x, {x, 0, 1}, PlotStyle -> Blue];
b = Plot[x^2, {x, 0, 1}, PlotStyle -> Red];
     }, {1, 1}, XPlotRange -> {0, 1}, YPlotRange -> {0, 1000}, 
    ShowTickLabels -> {{False, True}, {True, False}},
    YTickTextColor -> Blue],
     }, {1, 1}, XPlotRange -> {0, 1}, YPlotRange -> {0, 1}, 
    ShowTickLabels -> {{True, False}, {False, False}},
    YTickTextColor -> Red
    ]}, Dimensions -> {1, 1}, XPanelGaps -> 0.2, YPanelGaps -> 0.2, 
  ShowFrameLabel -> True,(*by default we want all frame labels,
  not just on the edges*)
  ShowTickLabels -> True], CanvasSize -> {8, 6}]

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