I have a question. As you can see figure, I could draw the z-axis logarithmically. However, this axis seems to descend to the negative side. Instead of range 0, 2, 4, can I draw this axis at range of 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000?
How can I solve this problem?
I want to draw the z-axis logarithmically. The used function is given by
sigmatotal=2.64405*10^13 f2^4-0.00658531 f2^3 f3+4.22499*10^-6 f2^3+5.28786*10^13 f2^2 f3^2-4.17641*10^-6 f2^2 f3+137116. f2^2-0.000527491 f2 f3^3-5.4387*10^-6 f2 f3^2+3.41195*10^-9 f2 f3-4.08533*10^-12 f2+2.64405*10^13 f3^4+7.22129*10^-6 f3^3+137116. f3^2-8.17067*10^-12 f3+0.05945
However, the used actual code to draw this grapgh in Mathematica is the following
Plot3D[sigmatotal, {f2, -0.005, 0.005}, {f3, -0.005, 0.005}, PlotRange -> All, PlotPoints -> 25, Mesh -> None, ScalingFunctions -> "Log10", AxesLabel -> {Style[Subscript[F, 2], Italic, Smaller, Blue], Style[Subscript[F, 3], Italic, Smaller, Blue], Style[z, Italic, Smaller, Blue]}]
As shown in the plotted graph, the z-axis is given as 0,5,10. But I want to draw the z-axis of this graph within the range of 0.01,0.1,1,10,100.
By the way, Dear Diaz- Navas,
Your suggested code did not work; ScalingFunctions -> {"Log", "Log", None},
is red in your code which means that it is not recognized byPlot3D
in your version of Mathematica. Hover the pointer over it to view the warning in theTooltip
was updated in v11. Presumably you are using an earlier version. Plot theLog
of your function and explicitly specify the ticks for the z-axis. $\endgroup$