
Lately, we had a nice question about artistic image vectorization which got very nice answers. As Szabolcs pointed out himself

Since "true" vectorization performed by various specialized software is a tough problem, I suggest to consider "artistic" approaches, which produce inexact, but beautiful version of the original.

And this is true: Sophisticated bitmap tracers like the implementation in Inkscape let you adjust how many color-levels, how detailed or how smooth the vectorized image should be. Following example was created from a Mathematica image with Inkscape:

Mathematica graphics

Still, I wonder whether it is possible to implement a vectorizer which comes very close to the behavior of the above without re-implementing the algorithm but with the help of the many tools we have in Mathematica?


1 Answer 1


Short answer

Yes, we can. With good CPU and memory resources even in a very high quality.


I stumbled over this issue while thinking about this answer here where in my opinion a high quality vectorizer would be of great help. Then I read about how this is done in real applications and read the documentation to Potrace which is the underlying tracer of Inkscape.

At this point it was clear to me, that we can achieve this with the tools included into Mathematica. The only question was, whether it gives reasonable results.

In the following sections I explain what steps are necessary to vectorize a color image in Mathematica.



The first thing one has to understand is that color vectorization happens in multiple scans, which means regions of equal color will be transformed in a polygon-representation. A usual 8 bit color image with 256^3 possible colors has in the worst case a different color for each pixel.

In a vectorized image you want not only a realistic look but if possible only a few large regions to keep the number of polygons to a reasonable number. Therefore, what you have to do is to break you input image into regions with similar colors, with whatever definition of similar. Preferably, those regions should be not too small. This depends strongly on the input and cannot always be prevented.

Assume the following image

Mathematica graphics

One fast and easy way to segment this image is to use ColorQuantize.

img = Import["https://i.sstatic.net/F5kJ2.png"];
quantized = ColorQuantize[img, 10, Dithering -> False]

You can specify the number of colors in the result (10 here) and later we will transform the regions of every color on after another into a vector graphic. The option Dithering->False is important here, otherwise the algorithm would try to minimize the quantization error by dithering which would lead to very small regions.

We could now look on the colors in the output image and would see that there are exactly 10 different rgb-values

cols = Union[Flatten[ImageData[quantized, "Byte"], 1]]

(* {{19, 24, 18}, {27, 36, 23}, {40, 47, 28}, {43, 49, 30}, {50,75, 37}, 
   {84, 79, 58}, {101, 139, 121}, {160, 95, 43}, {176, 153, 96}, {177, 183, 167}}

We will use these colors later when we draw the polygons. Let's store them

colors = RGBColor @@ (#/255.) & /@ cols;

Separating the regions

Now we want to extract all different color regions. We need a binary mask for every region. We can create this by extracting the image data and then setting all pixel to zero which are not the specified color. If we do this for all colors we get 10 different binary masks

data = ImageData[quantized, "Byte", DataReversed -> True];
masks = Block[{data = 
       Image[data /. {Except[cols[[#]], {_Integer ..}] :> 0, 
          cols[[#]] :> 1}]},
      ImageData[GaussianFilter[Opening[data, 0], 1], "Real"]]] & /@ 

 {i, 1, Length[cols], 1}]

Mathematica graphics

There are two extra function I used which can be adjusted to further smooth the input image or to remove very small objects: GaussianFilter and Opening


The binary masks we created representing nothing more then the regions which should later have a special color in the final image. To plot those regions we can use RegionPlot if we interpolating functions from the matrices and then defining a region to have a value greater then 1/2.

The following RegionPlot take the number of a specific region, uses its color and interpolating function and draws a high quality polygon-graphic:

ipfuncs = ListInterpolation /@ masks;
{nx, ny} = ImageDimensions[img]
With[{c = colors[[#]]}, 
   RegionPlot[ipfuncs[[#]][y, x] > 0.4, {x, 1, nx}, {y, 1, ny}, 
    PlotStyle -> c, BoundaryStyle -> None, Frame -> False, 
    AspectRatio -> Automatic, PlotPoints -> 200, MaxRecursion -> 2, 
    PlotRange -> {{1, nx}, {1, ny}}]] &[6]

Mathematica graphics

The final step is, to do this for all regions and combine all Graphics by a Show. Let's pack this all in a function

Options[TraceBitmap] = {
   TraceLevels -> 2,
   Smooth -> 1,
   RemoveSpeckles -> 1,
   PlotPoints -> 50,
   MaxRecursion -> 3
TraceBitmap[img_Image, opts : OptionsPattern[]] := 
 Module[{data, nx, ny, levels, smoothing, speckles, imageColors, 
   rgbValues, levelMasks},

  {levels, smoothing, speckles} = 
   OptionValue[{TraceLevels, Smooth, RemoveSpeckles}];
  {nx, ny} = ImageDimensions[img];
  data = ImageData[ColorQuantize[img, levels, Dithering -> False], 
    "Byte", DataReversed -> True];
  imageColors = Union[Flatten[data, 1]];
  rgbValues = RGBColor @@ (#/255.) & /@ imageColors;
  levelMasks = 
   Block[{bm = 
        Image[data /. {Except[imageColors[[#]], {_Integer ..}] :> 0, 
           imageColors[[#]] :> 1}]},
        ImageData[GaussianFilter[Opening[bm, speckles], smoothing], 
         "Real"]]] & /@ Range[levels];

  Show[RegionPlot[levelMasks[[#]][y, x] > .4, {x, 1, nx}, {y, 1, ny}, 
      PlotStyle -> rgbValues[[#]], 
      BoundaryStyle -> Directive[rgbValues[[#]]], Frame -> False, 
      AspectRatio -> Automatic, PlotRange -> {{1, nx}, {1, ny}}, 
      PlotPoints -> OptionValue[PlotPoints], 
      MaxRecursion -> OptionValue[MaxRecursion]] & /@ Range[levels]


TraceBitmap[img, TraceLevels -> 20, MaxRecursion -> 3, 
 PlotPoints -> 100, RemoveSpeckles -> 0]

Mathematica graphics

And, of course..

img = Rasterize[
   Plot3D[Sin[x + y^2], {x, -3, 3}, {y, -2, 2}, Boxed -> False, 
    Axes -> False, Mesh -> None, BoundaryStyle -> Thickness[.01]], 
   "Image", ImageSize -> 500];
TraceBitmap[img, TraceLevels -> 20, MaxRecursion -> 3, 
 PlotPoints -> 100, RemoveSpeckles -> 0]

Mathematica graphics

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ This is a decent start but it still has a long way to go. Here is the result from Vector Magic for the frog image, for comparison: i.sstatic.net/ysKck.png $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Oct 4, 2012 at 19:54
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ I would consider the link you gave high quality. Look at the details of this here: i.stack.imgur.com/ucOIz.png Especially how nicely the boundaries are curved and that there are no gaps between the regions. But you are right, the tracing step with RegionPlot is only ok, not great. $\endgroup$
    – halirutan
    Commented Oct 4, 2012 at 21:53
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ I like your version in the comment above more than the one from Vector Magic $\endgroup$
    – rm -rf
    Commented Oct 8, 2012 at 15:24
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Interesting little side note here, something has changed (at least as of MMa 11) with RegionPlot and it no longer produces any output for the interpolation function. Just an FYI should anyone check here later. $\endgroup$
    – flip
    Commented Oct 15, 2016 at 4:11

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