At WTC2016 Yuzhu Lu gave a talked titled Graphics 3D. The notebook is not yet available in the Wolfram Library Archive's Conference Proceedings.
On the last slide he showed how you can write a custom image processing/rendering in OpenGL with FEPrivate`AddSurfaceAppearanceDefinition
and FE`Evaluate
. This can be used to render images in Mathematica instead of the regular front-end rendering. This means it does not need to load and then process the video/image but processes the video/image when loading it (only one pass).
Therefore, if you have coded an OpenGL rendering that can produce the stick players from a frame of the video then you can render the video using it. This was demonstrated with an edge detection OpenGL render on both an image and a short video. The edge detection render that was used in the presentation is below.
FEPrivate`AddSurfaceAppearanceDefinition["My Edge3",
{{"position", "ATTRIB_VERTEX"}, {"vertexTextureCoordIn", "ATTRIB_TEXTURECOORD"}},
{"varying vec4 texCoordOut; uniform vec4 color; uniform sampler2D texture; uniform float size;
void main() { const float offset=1.0/size;vec4
c=texture2D(texture,texCoordOut.xy); vec4
gl_FragColor=8.0*(c - 0.125*edge);gl_FragColor.a = 1.0; gl_FragColor *= color;}",
"attribute vec4 position; attribute vec4 vertexTextureCoordIn; uniform mat4 tranformationMatrix; varying vec4 texCoordOut; void main() { gl_Position = tranformationMatrix * position; texCoordOut = vertexTextureCoordIn;}"}]];
This "My Edge3"
was then used to render an image and a short video. The image example below.
img = ExampleData[{"TestImage", "Lena"}];
Graphics[{System`SurfaceAppearance["My Edge3", "Color" -> Dynamic@c],
Polygon[{{-1, -1}, {1, -1}, {1, 1}, {-1, 1}},
VertexTextureCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, 1}}]},
ImageSize -> {360, 360}, Frame -> True], {c, White}]
A function ApplyEdges
was created but this may only work in a future version has he was using an internal build.
ApplyEdges[img_] :=
RawBoxes[ToBoxes[img] /.
RasterBox[arg_, opts___] :> {System`SurfaceAppearance["My Edge3"],
RasterBox[arg, opts]}];
This was then used passed images and .avi video Import
If I recall correctly it was mentioned that better support for this would be available in a future version.
Hope this helps.