I'm fitting a linear model to some three dimensional data (x,y = explanatory variable, z = predicted variable). I am trying to visualize the data and model fit using a combination of 3D plots. Specifically, I want to plot the data in 3D plot and then have a 'fill' line down to a plane in 3D space that represents the model prediction. The problem I am having is figuring out the correct options for "Filling" in ListPointPlot3D to get the desired effect. I have tried 1->2, 1->{2}, {1->2}, and other variants but none of htem have the desired effect.
Here's an attempt to illustrate the problem.
xyzData = {{-0.31`, 0.222`, -0.025`}, {3.754`, -2.502`,
4.4`}, {0.658`, 1.301`, -3.481`}, {-0.377`, -1.869`,
13.746`}, {2.335`, -0.487`, 7.506`}, {0.618`, -2.151`,
7.045`}, {1.150`, 0.8250`, 0.148`}, {2.783`, -1.37`,
9.404`}, {0.774`, -2.823`, 7.264`}, {1.435`, -3.508`,
7.888`}, {3.64`, -2.308`, 11.922`}, {0.579`, -2.767`,
7.018`}, {1.754`, -2.317`, 11.3860`}, {1.791`, -4.276`,
7.58`}, {0.43`, -3.012`, 10.156`}, {1.406`, -2.485`,
6.463`}, {1.693`, -4.999`, 18.205`}, {1.618`, -2.394`,
11.532`}, {2.289`, -0.19`, 0.067`}, {-0.232`, -2.521`, 9.826`}};
(*get information on range of data values*)
{xData, yData, zData} =
{xMin, xMax} = {Min[xData], Max[xData]};
{yMin, yMax} = {Min[yData], Max[yData]};
{zMin, zMax} = {Min[zData], Max[zData]};
(*fit linear model to the data*)
model = LinearModelFit[xyzData, {x1, x2}, {x1, x2}];
(*create expected values based on linear fit *)
predictZ[x_, y_] = {x, y, model[x, y]};
predictedZ = Map[predictZ[#[[1]], #[[2]] ] &, xyData];
plot3d = Show[
(*plot observed values and predicted values based on model
Goal is to have a line drawn between the observed and predicted \
values to aid in visualization*)
ListPointPlot3D[ {xyzData, predictedZ},
PlotRange -> All,
PlotStyle -> {Directive[Black, PointSize[Medium]],
Directive[Red, PointSize[Small]]},
Filling -> {1 -> {{2}, {Red, Blue}}}(*this doesn't work,
nor does "Filling -> 1\[Rule]{2}" or "Filling -> {1\[Rule]2}" *)
(*create a plane in 3D space of the expected values based on the model.
The predicted values should lie on this plane
Plot3D[model[x, y] , {x, xMin, xMax}, {y, yMin, yMax},
PlotStyle -> Directive[Opacity[0.1], Specularity[], Glow[White]],
Mesh -> 8,
ViewVertical -> {0, 0, 1}],
PlotRange -> All,
AxesLabel -> {"X", "Y", "Z"},
LabelStyle -> Directive[FontFamily -> "Helvetica"]];
showPlot3D = Show[plot3d]