
In mathematica 12.0, the following code

 {Plot[PDF[NormalDistribution[i, 1], x] Exp[-Sqrt[i]/4] /. 
      i -> Range[1, 3, 2] // Evaluate, {x, -3, 8}, PlotRange -> All, 
     Axes -> None, PlotStyle -> {Black, Gray}],
     PDF[NormalDistribution[i, 1], x] Exp[-Sqrt[i]/4] /. 
       i -> Range[1, 3, 2] // Evaluate, {x, k, k + 1}, 
     PlotRange -> Full, Filling -> Axis, Axes -> None,
     PlotStyle -> {ColorData[10][4 + k], 
       Darker[ColorData[10][4 + k], 0.3]}], {k, -3, 5}]} // Flatten,
 PlotRange -> {0, 1/3}]

produces the following plot

enter image description here

It seems to me the (square like white) gap near the bottom is unexpected (?)


1 Answer 1


The issue caused by differing vertical positions of Axis across plots with filling.

plotswithfilling = Table[
  Plot[PDF[NormalDistribution[i, 1], x] Exp[-Sqrt[i]/4] /. 
      i -> Range[1, 3, 2] // Evaluate, {x, k, k + 1}, 
    PlotRange -> Full, Filling -> Axis, Axes -> None, 
    PlotStyle -> {ColorData[10][4 + k], 
      Darker[ColorData[10][4 + k], 0.3]}], {k, -3, 5}];

Options[#, AxesOrigin] & /@ plotswithfilling // Column

enter image description here

Two easy fixes: (1) Change Filling -> Axis to Filling -> 0 or (2) add the option AxesOrigin -> {Automatic, 0}

to get

enter image description here

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ When phrased like this is makes perfect sense :-) Sometimes mathematica is too smart! $\endgroup$
    – chris
    Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 7:44

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