I have the following piece of code that uses ListLinePlot to plot 3 curves which I would like to each have a hatched filling of different colors. I've tried a couple of approaches I found on this website, but didn't succeed, alas. Would appreciate any help.
ClearAll[Evaluate[Context[] <> "*"]];
Subscript[t, min] = 0;
Subscript[t, max] = 10;
dt = 0.01;
μ = 1;
ν = Subscript[t, max]/2;
SetAttributes[driftf, Listable];
driftf[t_] := If[t < ν, 0, μ (t - ν)];
tpath = {0, ν, Subscript[t, max]};
driftpath = TemporalData[driftf[tpath], {tpath}];
w = WienerProcess[];
wpath = RandomFunction[w, {Subscript[t, min], Subscript[t, max], dt}];
tdata = wpath["Paths"][[1]][[All, 1]];
xdata = wpath["Paths"][[1]][[All, 2]];
xdata = xdata + driftf[tdata];
xpath = TemporalData[xdata, {tdata}];
lp = ListLinePlot[{wpath, driftpath, xpath},
Filling -> Axis,
AxesStyle -> Arrowheads[0.02],
PlotRange -> {{0, Subscript[t, max]}, {-6, 6}},
Frame -> True,
FrameLabel -> {"Time", "Observed Process"},
GridLines -> Automatic,
RotateLabel -> True,
PlotLegends ->
Placed[LineLegend[{"aaa", "bbb", "ccc"},
LabelStyle -> {GrayLevel[0.3], Bold, 11},
LegendLayout -> {"Row", 1}], {0.45, 0.75}]]
newticks = Last @ First[AbsoluteOptions[lp, FrameTicks]];
newticks[[All, All, 2]] = Spacer[0];
Show[lp, FrameTicks -> newticks]
This is what the code outputs: