i) Evaluate an interpolating function:
sol[0, 0]
(* 0.25 *)
The first example of the NDSolve ref page has an example of a variant of this; many more examples are in the InterpolatingFunction
ref page.
ii) Integration over the region:
mesh = sol["ElementMesh"];
NIntegrate[sol[x, y], {x, y} ∈ mesh]
(* 0.392702 *)
iii) You could use this:
Grad[sol[x, y], {x, y}] .
BoundaryUnitNormal[x, y], {x, y} ∈ ToBoundaryMesh[mesh]]
(* -3.13394 *)
If you want to integrate only over a part of the boundary, just create a boundary mesh for that part. See the ToBoundaryMesh
ref page or the ElementMesh generation tutorial. One last note, you can use things like
NeumannValue[1, x >= 1/2], {x, y} ∈ ToBoundaryMesh[mesh]]
Let me give an example. We use this from the documentation as a starting point. There is enough text that explains the model and I am just copying it here. The interesting part will be below.
vars = {T[x, y], {x, y}};
Ω = Rectangle[{0, 0}, {0.02, 0.01}];
pars = <|"ThermalConductivity" -> 3|>;
BCTemp =
HeatTemperatureCondition[x == 0 || x == 0.02, vars,
pars, <|"SurfaceTemperature" -> 1173|>];
BCconvective =
HeatTransferValue[y == 0.01, vars,
pars, <|"AmbientTemperature" -> 323,
"HeatTransferCoefficient" -> 50|>];
BCradiation =
HeatRadiationValue[y == 0.01, vars,
pars, <|"AmbientTemperature" -> 323.|>];
eqn = {HeatTransferPDEComponent[vars, pars] ==
BCconvective + BCradiation, BCTemp};
Tfun = NDSolveValue[eqn, T, {x, y} ∈ Ω];
For a plot see the documentation.
Now, we can use the boundary condition specification to compute the integrals over those parts of the boundary:
bmesh = ToBoundaryMesh[Tfun["ElementMesh"]]
NIntegrate[BCconvective /. T -> Tfun, {x, y} ∈ bmesh]
(* -681.075 *)
NIntegrate[BCradiation /. T -> Tfun, {x, y} ∈ bmesh]
(*-1162.59 *)
I am not 100% sure, but I think this is what you are looking for. Your flux F
is exactly the NeumannValue.
, e.g.,sol[1/2, 3/4]
orsol[x, y] /. {x -> 1/2, y -> 3/4}
To integrate over theDisk
useNIntegrate[sol[x, y], {x, y} \[Element] Disk[]]
I'll leave the rest for others. $\endgroup$v13.2.1 for Mac OS X ARM (64-bit)
,NIntegrate[sol[x, y], {x, y} \[Element] Disk[]]
evaluates without any warning or error messages. $\endgroup$