I'm having a problem where the following animation jumps around despite having PlotRange
set. I don't have this problem with ListPlot
, any suggestions what other options to set?
(* Spectrum of interleaved normal and bernoulli matrices *)
d = 128;
randNormal :=
RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[0, 1], {d, d}]/Sqrt[d];
randInteger :=
RandomGraph[BernoulliGraphDistribution[d, .5]]/Sqrt[d/2];
svals = {};
mat = IdentityMatrix[d];
maxIters = 10;
For[i = 1, i <= maxIters, i += 1,
mat = mat.randNormal.randInteger;
AppendTo[svals, SingularValueList[mat]]
makeplot[k_] :=
ListLogLogPlot[svals[[k]], PlotRange -> {{0, d}, {10^-10, 0}}]
animation = ListAnimate[makeplot /@ Range@maxIters]