
I'm having a problem where the following animation jumps around despite having PlotRange set. I don't have this problem with ListPlot, any suggestions what other options to set?

(* Spectrum of interleaved normal and bernoulli matrices *)
d = 128;
randNormal := 
  RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[0, 1], {d, d}]/Sqrt[d];
randInteger := 
      RandomGraph[BernoulliGraphDistribution[d, .5]]/Sqrt[d/2];
svals = {};
mat = IdentityMatrix[d];
maxIters = 10;
For[i = 1, i <= maxIters, i += 1,
  mat = mat.randNormal.randInteger;
  AppendTo[svals, SingularValueList[mat]]

makeplot[k_] := 
 ListLogLogPlot[svals[[k]], PlotRange -> {{0, d}, {10^-10, 0}}]
animation = ListAnimate[makeplot /@ Range@maxIters]

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


animation jumps around

I assume you are taking about the y-axis shaking?

I think this is because you used zero for the plot range and log(0) does not play well in the code.

If you change the zero, to another non zero value then it stops shaking. I also added image padding for safe measure.

makeplot[k_] := 
 ListLogLogPlot[svals[[k]], PlotRange -> {{0, d}, {10^-10, 100}}, 
  ImagePadding -> 30, ImageSize -> 400]

enter image description here

Compare to when using PlotRange -> {{0, d}, {10^-10, 0}}

enter image description here

It is possible this question is duplicate to Log-Plots and PlotRange


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