I have a video of nanotubes in solution taken with a confocal laser microscope. I typically track these nanotubes with Fiesta or Fiji, but in this case, there is variation in brightness that is confounding my tracking programs.
Here’s a link to the full video (.tif file)
What I tried
If you can't download the above link, here are 2001 frames in TIF file, it might take a few minutes to download:
frames = CloudGet @ CloudObject @ "https://www.wolframcloud.com/obj/b4056a15-97e5-464a-879e-89852b85ebfd";
Using the image tool-ribbon to get points in the target blob:
So then extract the region of the nanotube as a mask:
pts = {{104.125`, 63.28125`}, {89.1328125`, 66.29296875`}};
RegionBinarize[frames[[1]], pts, .6]
But then using ImageCorrespondingPoints
and ImageFeatureTrack
the results were pretty bad:
pos = ImageValuePositions[RegionBinarize[frames[[1]], c, .6], 1];
res = ImageFeatureTrack[frames, pos]
Graphics[{If[FreeQ[#, _Missing], {RandomColor[], Line[{#}]}] & /@ Transpose[res]}]
g = If[FreeQ[#, _Missing], Graphics@Point@#, Nothing] & /@ res;
Treating everything as points doesn't really help in recovering the perimeter:
I was hoping some cv experts could help out with tracking the deforming shape of the nanotube over all the frames.