I generated a graph from a CSV data which represents T(n)
, that is, the time taken - in milliseconds
- to execute a sort task as the data n
increases. The graph generated can see below:
I generated it with this code (assuming merge
is a list of pairs of numbers):
ListLinePlot[merge, PlotRange->All, AxesLabel->{"tamanho entrada(n)", "tempo(ms)"}
My question is: how to put evidence to the fact that the growing time is actually n*log(n)
instead of a linear time, as can be misleading by looking at the line of the graph?
Also worth noting that my data looks like this: {{data,time},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0},{60,0},{70,0},{80,0},{90,0},{100,0}}...
maybe? $\endgroup$