
From the GeoStylingImageFunction documentation you can apply different functions to the background and to geographic areas.

GeoGraphics[{GeoStyling["StreetMap", GeoStylingImageFunction -> Sharpen], EdgeForm[Black], 
  GeoDisk[GeoPosition[{40.7148, -73.9948}], Quantity[250, "Meters"]]}, 
 GeoBackground -> 
  GeoStyling["StreetMap", GeoStylingImageFunction -> (Blur[#1, 10] & )]]

Mathematica graphics

I need to do the same but with graphics primitives. The issue I am having is that primitives are not drawn with the specified GeoStyling. Instead they are drawn with default Graphics directives (i.e. Black).

GeoGraphics[{GeoStyling["StreetMap", GeoStylingImageFunction -> Sharpen], EdgeForm[Black], 
  Rectangle[GeoPosition[{40.7126, -73.9977}], GeoPosition[{40.7171, -73.9918}]]}, 
 GeoBackground -> 
  GeoStyling["StreetMap", GeoStylingImageFunction -> (Blur[#1, 10] & )]]

Mathematica graphics

What I was hoping to see is a rectangle with the sharpened image of the map within it; as is seen with the circle.

I have several locations to mark and I can use a Rectangle for all of them if that makes it easier. locs can be used as a sample of locations to try the solution.

locs = GeoPosition /@ 
     EntityClass["Neighborhood", "DowntownNeighborhoods::NewYork::NewYork::UnitedStates"][
         5], {2}]



1 Answer 1


I found two ways:

1. GeoBoundsRegion

In case you just want a rectangle, the easiest is:

mygeoreg = GeoBoundsRegion@GeoBounds@

EdgeForm[Black], mygeoreg},

enter image description here

2. Polygon

In case you want any geometric region (not only a rectangle), you can use Polygon... but there is a trick, or rather it seems to be a bug for which i found a workaround as described in this related post. The "bug" is that GeoStyling[anymapstyle ...] do only work with an arbitrary Polygon if the coordinates are globally (and not individually) wrapped with GeoPosition.

For example:


EdgeForm[Black], Polygon@GeoPosition@mypoly},

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Great find with both GeoBondsRegion and the special Polygon GeoPosition format. (+1) Will wait a bit just in case. $\endgroup$
    – Edmund
    Commented Jul 22, 2017 at 0:38

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