I am trying to implement a dummy example of supply chain network design. In particular, some cities are warehouses and others are customers. I want to show the cities on the map, highlight graphically their respective populations and then graphically show which warehouse is serving specific cities. I have used the GeoBubbleChart function as in the code below
SelectedCities={New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Huston, San Francisco};
SelectedCities ->
QuantityArray[EntityValue[SelectedCities, "Population"]],
ChartLabels -> SelectedCities,
LabelStyle -> Directive[FontSize -> 18],
GeoBackground ->
GeoStyling[{"CountryBorders", "Land" -> GrayLevel[0.6],
"Ocean" -> GrayLevel[0.3], "Border" -> Black}],
GeoZoomLevel -> 10,
ChartStyle -> "SolarColors",
BubbleSizes -> {0.1, 0.3},
GeoGridLines -> None,
ImageSize -> 1000
GeoGraphics[{Polygon[UnitedStates], Hue[0.1, 1, 1], Arrow[{{New York City, New York City},{New York City, Chicago},{Los Angeles, Huston},{Los Angeles, San Francisco}}]}]
''' However, the result does not satisfies me. The borders overlap in a ugly way; the arrows are not really nice and their style does not much the SolarColor.
Is there a way to improve this?