
There is a equation set:

{2 x^2 + 49 - 7 x - 2 x Sqrt[x^2 + 49 - 7 x] Cos[rad] == (7 - x)^2, 
 2 x^2 + 49 - 7 x - 2 x Sqrt[x^2 + 49 - 7 x] Cos[rad + Pi/3] == 49}

I want get the x-value's exact solution.But the Solve cann't work.

  • $\begingroup$ Play around with Reduce, maybe? $\endgroup$
    – march
    Commented Feb 6, 2016 at 20:34

1 Answer 1


Reduce gives a solution. Here I've eliminated the trivial $x=0$ solution and also specified $-\pi \le rad \le \pi$.

sol = Reduce[And[
   2 x^2 + 49 - 7 x - 2 x Sqrt[x^2 + 49 - 7 x] Cos[rad] == (7 - x)^2, 
   2 x^2 + 49 - 7 x - 2 x Sqrt[x^2 + 49 - 7 x] Cos[rad + Pi/3] == 49,
   x != 0, -Pi <= rad <= Pi], x, Reals]

enter image description here

Since each term is a condition on rad followed by an equality for x we can extract a piecewise function for x:

xsol = Piecewise[{#2[[2]], #1} & @@@ List @@ sol]

enter image description here

which looks like this:

Plot[xsol, {rad, -Pi/3, 2 Pi/3}]

enter image description here

To check, here's a contour plot of both equations. The purple bits are where both are true:

  2 x^2 + 49 - 7 x - 2 x Sqrt[x^2 + 49 - 7 x] Cos[rad] == (7 - x)^2,
  2 x^2 + 49 - 7 x - 2 x Sqrt[x^2 + 49 - 7 x] Cos[rad + Pi/3] == 49},
 {rad, -Pi, Pi}, {x, -20, 20},
 ContourStyle -> {Opacity[0.5, Red], Opacity[0.5, Blue]},
 AspectRatio -> 0.5]

enter image description here


I've just noticed that you can remove the Reals domain from Reduce and get a solution in terms of Tan functions which you can FullSimplify to get for x:

-7 + 42 Cos[rad]/(3 Cos[rad] + Sqrt[3] Sin[rad])

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