When I try to solve this equation using Mathematica:
Solve[Exp[b*x]-c*(x^2)-a*x-1 == 0, x] /. {a -> 6.336, b -> 8, c -> 32}
I don't get any result and this error message:
Solve was unable to solve the system with inexact coefficients or the system obtained by direct rationalization of inexact numbers present in the system. Since many of the methods used by Solve require exact input, providing Solve with an exact version of the system may help.
Out[60]= Solve[-1 + E^(8 x) - 6.336 x - 32 x^2 == 0, x]
I also tried Reduce and Nsolve instead of Solve with no luck!!
Note that I don't get even the obvious solution of x==0. Although I would like to have a solution with x!=0.
is an obvious solution. $\endgroup$FindRoot
in the docs. $\endgroup$x==0
is the only solution for your choice of parameters. You might get non zero solutions for other choices, for instanceSolve[(expr /. b -> 0) == 0, x]
. $\endgroup$