Is there functionality in Mathematica to expand a function into a series with Chebyshev polynomials?
The Series
function only approximates with Taylor series.
You can just take Bob Hanlon's answer from 2006 directly, and modify the plot just a bit to update it.
ChebyshevApprox[n_Integer?Positive, f_Function, x_] :=
Module[{c, xk}, xk = Pi (Range[n] - 1/2)/n;
c[j_] = 2*Total[Cos[j*xk]*(f /@ Cos[xk])]/n;
Total[Table[c[k]*ChebyshevT[k, x], {k, 0, n - 1}]] - c[0]/2];
f = 3*#^2*Exp[-2*#]*Sin[2 #*Pi] &;
ChebyshevApprox[3, f, x] // Simplify
((-(3/4))*((-E^(2*Sqrt[3]))*(Sqrt[3] - 2*x) - 2*x - Sqrt[3])*x*
Table[Plot[{f[x], ChebyshevApprox[n, f, x]}, {x, -1, 1},
Frame -> True, Axes -> False, PlotStyle -> {Blue, Red},
PlotRange -> {-2, 10},
Epilog -> Text["n = " <> ToString[n], {0.25, 5}]], {n, 9}], 3],
ImageSize -> 500]
, via ChebyshevApprox[3, Sin[#] &, x]
. And the result is a polynomial in x
, so you would plot it in the normal way: Plot[{Sin[x], ChebyshevApprox[3, Sin[#] &, x]}, {x, -1, 1}]
- but for Sin
only one term survives so you have a linear function. Going up to n=4
you get a cubic function and it is indistinguishable on that range.
Here's a way to leverage the Clenshaw-Curtis rule of NIntegrate
and Anton Antonov's answer, Determining which rule NIntegrate selects automatically, to construct a piecewise Chebyshev series for a function. It also turns out that InterpolatingFunction
implements a Chebyshev series approximation as one of its interpolating units (undocumented). With IntegrationMonitor
, you can save the sampling on the subintervals and use FourierDCT[]
to convert the function values to Chebyshev coefficients. The error estimate for the integral ($E \approx |I_{n/2}-I_{n}|$) is not exactly the same as an approximation norm, but most numerical procedures have pitfalls.
fn = 3*#^2*Exp[-2*#]*Sin[2 #*Pi] &[x];
{ifn, {{series}}} = Reap[
chebApprox[fn, {x, 0, 2}], (* see below for code *)
"ChebyshevSeries"]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* {0.003718, Null} *)
Plot[{fn, ifn[x]}, {x, 0, 2},
PlotStyle -> {AbsoluteThickness[5], Automatic}],
LogPlot[(fn - ifn[x])/fn // Abs, {x, 0, 2}]
The reaped series
are in a list of the form {{{x1, x2}, {coefficients}},...}
Short[series, 12]
In this example there are four series over the intervals
series[[All, 1]]
(* {{0, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.}, {1., 1.5}, {1.5, 2}} *)
Code dump
(* Constructs a piecewise InterpolatingFunction,
* whose interpolating units are Chebyshev series *)
(* data0 = {{x0,x1},c1},..} *)
chebInterpolation[data0 : {{{_, _}, _List} ..}] :=
Module[{data = Sort@data0, domain1, coeffs1, domain, grid, ngrid,
coeffs, order, y0, yp0},
domain1 = data[[1, 1]];
coeffs1 = data[[1, 2]];
domain = List @@ Interval @@ data[[All, 1]];
y0 = chebFunc[coeffs1, domain1, First@domain1];
yp0 = chebFunc[dCheb[coeffs1, domain1], domain1, First@domain1];
grid = Union @@ data[[All, 1]];
ngrid = Length@grid;
coeffs = data[[All, 2]];
order = Length[coeffs[[1]]] - 1;
{5, 1, order, {ngrid}, {4; order}, 0, 0, 0, 0, Automatic, {}, {}, False},
{{y0, yp0}} ~Join~ coeffs,
{{{{1}}~Join~Partition[Range@ngrid, 2, 1] ~Join~ {{ngrid - 1, ngrid}},
{Automatic } ~Join~ ConstantArray[ChebyshevT, ngrid]}}] /;
Length[domain] == 1 && ArrayQ@coeffs
(* Uses NIntegrate's Clenshaw-Curtis Rule
* to construct Chebyshev series approximations to a function
* over the subintervals created by NIntegrate *)
Options[chebApprox] = {"Points" -> 17} ~Join~ Options[NIntegrate];
chebApprox[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
Module[{t, samp, sampling},
With[{pg = OptionValue[PrecisionGoal] /. Automatic -> 14,
ag = OptionValue[AccuracyGoal] /. Automatic -> 15},
t = Reap[
NIntegrate[f, {x, a, b},
Method -> {"ClenshawCurtisRule",
"Points" -> OptionValue["Points"]},
PrecisionGoal -> pg, AccuracyGoal -> ag,
IntegrationMonitor :> (Sow[
Map[{First[#1@"Boundaries"], #1@"GetValues"} &, #1],
samp] &),
Evaluate@FilterRules[{opts}, Options[NIntegrate]]],
sampling = With[{steps = t[[2, 1]]},
Table[If[MemberQ[steps[[n + 1]], {{s[[1, 1]], _}, __}],
Nothing, s], {n, Length@steps - 1}, {s, steps[[n]]}], 1] ~Join~
DeleteCases[Last@steps, {{-Infinity, Infinity}, __}]
sampling = Sort@MapAt[chebSeries@*Reverse, sampling, {All, 2}];
Sow[sampling, "ChebyshevSeries"];
chebSeries[y_] := Module[{cc},
cc = Sqrt[2/(Length@y - 1)] FourierDCT[y, 1]; (* get coeffs from values *)
cc[[{1, -1}]] /= 2; (*
adjust first & last coeffs *)
(* Differentiate a Chebyshev series *)
(* Recurrence: $2 r c_r = c'_{r-1} - c'_{r+1}$ *)
dCheb::usage =
"dCheb[c, {a,b}] differentiates the Chebyshev series c scaled over \
the interval {a,b}";
dCheb[c_] := dCheb[c, {-1, 1}];
dCheb[c_, {a_, b_}] := Module[{c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3},
2/(b - a) MapAt[#/2 &,
Reverse@ Table[
c3 = c2;
c2 = c1;
c1 = 2 (n + 1)*c[[n + 2]] + c3,
{n, Length[c] - 2, 0, -1}],
Notes and references:
of Find all roots of a function with parabolic cylinder functions in a range of the variable presents another approach.
The recurrence for the differentiation of Chebyshev series is probably well-known, but I got it from Clenshaw and Norton (1963).
This approach was suggested by a comment I saw in Boyd (2013) that an interval could be split in two "whenever the Clenshaw–Curtis strategy calls for $N$ larger then some user-specified limit." The "ClenshawCurtisRule"
of NIntegrate
does not adapt the order $N$ (which equals two times the value of "Points"
in NIntegrate
), but it does split the intervals.
One can get a single Chebyshev series by setting MaxRecursion -> 0
{{domain}, values} =
Reap[NIntegrate[fn, {x, 0, 2}, PrecisionGoal -> 14,
AccuracyGoal -> 15,
Method -> {"ClenshawCurtisRule",
"Points" -> 1 + 2^5}, (* adjust "Points" to achieve desired accuracy *)
MaxRecursion -> 0,
WorkingPrecision -> 40,
IntegrationMonitor :> (Sow[
Map[{#1@"Boundaries", #1@"GetValues"} &, #1]] &)]
][[2, 1, 1, 1]];
cs = Module[{n = 1, max, sum = 0, ser, len},
ser = chebSeries[Reverse@values];
max = Max[ser];
len = LengthWhile[Reverse[ser], (sum += Abs@#) < 10^-22*max &];
Drop[N@ser, -len]
approx[x_?NumericQ] :=
cs.Table[ChebyshevT[n - 1, Rescale[x, domain, {-1, 1}]], {n, Length@cs}]
Plot[{fn, approx[x]}, {x, 0, 2},
PlotStyle -> {AbsoluteThickness[5], Automatic}],
LogPlot[(fn - approx[x])/fn // Abs, {x, 0, 2}]
being natively supported. Thanks for this!
May 6, 2016 at 0:33
One slick way to derive the analytic Chebyshev series of a function is to use the relationship between the Chebyshev polynomials and the cosine, and then use the built-in FourierCosSeries[]
. As an example:
f[x_] := Exp[x];
n = 5; (* degree of approximation *)
approx[x_] = FourierCosSeries[f[Cos[t]], t, n] /. Cos[k_. t] :> ChebyshevT[k, x]
(Note that the result of that evaluation contains modified Bessel functions of the first kind, which arise as the coefficients.)
{Plot[{f[x], approx[x]}, {x, -1, 1}],
Plot[approx[x] - f[x], {x, -1, 1}, PlotStyle -> ColorData[97, 3]]} // GraphicsRow
See how good the approximation is? Note the equiripple behavior of the error at the right.
Of course, not every function will admit a closed form Chebyshev series representation, since the Fourier integrals involved won't necessarily have a closed form known to Mathematica. In that case, you can of course use NIntegrate[]
instead. In fact, Mathematica does provide a package for numerically evaluating those integrals. Thus,
f[x_] := 3 x^2 Exp[2 x] Sin[2 π x];
n = 12;
cof = Table[If[k == 0, 1/2, 1] NFourierCosCoefficient[f[Cos[t]], t, k, Method -> "LevinRule"],
{k, 0, n}];
(* Clenshaw recurrence for a Chebyshev series *)
chebval[c_?VectorQ, x_] := Module[{n = Length[c], u, v, w},
u = c[[n - 1]] + 2 x (v = c[[n]]);
Do[w = v; v = u; u = c[[k]] + 2 x v - w, {k, n - 2, 2, -1}];
c[[1]] + x u - v]
approx[x_] = chebval[cof, x];
{Plot[{f[x], approx[x]}, {x, -1, 1}],
Plot[approx[x] - f[x], {x, -1, 1}, PlotStyle -> ColorData[97, 3]]} // GraphicsRow
though the approximation in this case is not too good.
documentation, in particular "Generalizations and Extensions", and "Applications" $\endgroup$WhitakkerW
may be found here: $\endgroup$