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Chris Chiasson's user avatar
Chris Chiasson's user avatar
Chris Chiasson
  • Member for 10 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
15 votes

What happened to SequenceLimit?

8 votes

Error and uncertainty propagation: Is using Precision/Accuracy a sound strategy?

8 votes

What is wrong with RuleCondition here?

6 votes

Why is this evaluation halved when adding units?

6 votes

How do I nondimensionalize differential equations?

5 votes

Configuration to limit time spent on formatting output

4 votes

Maximization of function that does not depend on all variables

4 votes

Robust Fitting Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares

4 votes

NMinimize with NIntegrate (crash in symbolic evaluation, memory leak)

4 votes

When Reduce yields False for a system of inequalities, can I take this as a formal proof?

4 votes

Mathematica Online Editing Performance

3 votes

Call an executable

2 votes

Using Palettes in Mathematica Online

2 votes

Annoying problem with hotkeys

2 votes

Interactively Interrupt or Abort a Running Computation in Mathematica Online Without Losing Kernel

2 votes

Create a list of variables of a function

2 votes

Re and Im relationships without Abs among Fourier, FourierTransform, InverseFourier, and InverseFourierTransform

2 votes

How to extract part of a held expression without evaluating it

2 votes

One Hot Encode columns with categorical data

1 vote

Reconciling results from Fourier with those form FourierTransform

1 vote

Seems like OptimizeExpression is getting worse over time

0 votes

How to get the limit of a rule

0 votes

Convert this function using trig identities into sine functions