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Questions tagged [configuration]

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How do I configure Mathematica so that the "font" window opens with a given key press?

Is there any way I can configure the keys in Mathematica so that I can open the "font" window with a single key press? Thank you.
Emerson Villafuerte Jara's user avatar
2 votes
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Problem with setting up ChatObject[]: possible conflict?

Context My naive expectation is that in order to use chat = ChatObject[] in Mathematica 13.3.1 I don't need to have a paid plan with OpenAI. Question Is this ...
chris's user avatar
  • 23.1k
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How to automatically open/create/run each notebook using its own kernel?

I am not asking question such as new kernel for notebook where one needs each time to explicitly create and name new kernel, then again issue a command in the notebook to use that named kernel. This ...
Nasser's user avatar
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Missing dependencies for NodeJS reported by FindExternalEvaluators["NodeJS"]

I am setting up NodeJS for use as an external evaluator in Mathematica 13.1 and am getting a message about missing dependencies. I am following the steps in the Workflow documented at ...
Doug Kimzey's user avatar
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Mathematia UI displays '$Failed' in several places

I recently purchased and downloaded Mathematica. I'm on Linux, so I ran the provided installer script as root. I've activated it with my activation key, and installation reported success. Prior to ...
Alecto's user avatar
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Running wolframscript results in "Failed to open configuaration file at path"

The wolframscript configuration file exists and have all of the permission enabled. When I start wolframscript on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS, it starts fine. However, it produces the following error message. ...
Evan's user avatar
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Why mma always automatically created a folder named "Wolfram Mathematica" after renamed or deleted?

The folder "Wolfram Mathematica" is probably used for saving files.But each time I renamed or deleted it and then ran mma,mma was bound to automatically create the previous folder "...
wioiw's user avatar
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Change "Wolfram Mathematica" directory [closed]

I use Windows and every time I open Mathematica it creates a "Wolfram Mathematica" directory under my documents, which I don't want. My first choice would be to prevent Mathematica from even ...
Isoar's user avatar
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How do I remove all extensions and plugins associated with Mathematica on macOS? [closed]

I currently have Wolfram One and have in the past had Mathematica installed on my machine and need to remove all extensions, plugins, and add-ons that are associated with either product. In particular ...
orome's user avatar
  • 12.9k
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How to increase the font size of automatic created window [duplicate]

I am using MMA 12.3.0 on Ubuntu 18.04. I changed a new screen and the font of the toolbar became very small compared to other applications and managed to solve that. But, the font in the automatic ...
MMA13's user avatar
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`FunctionLayer` will calculate a distance matrix

I would like, that a FunctionLayer will calculate a distance matrix between two vectors. I try a following approach: ...
Kiril Danilchenko's user avatar
6 votes
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How to enter underscripts in 12.2?

In the last version of Mathematica (12.2), some genius on Wolfram thought that is was a good idea to change the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+4, that have been there for years, so now users get a (broken) ...
jjagmath's user avatar
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Display formula problem

Hello all, I use Mathematica for several years without any problem. But since last week, I can't write correctly formulas on Mathematica. For a simple example, if I write $\frac{1}{2}$ by typing $1 /...
NN2's user avatar
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Mathematica 12.1 is treating all my cells as raw texts by default

I was once using Mathematica 11 it all works fine - when I create new Notebook (.nb) input like 1+1 and press shift+...
gudako's user avatar
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Inserting label to a Plot

I have the following figure Given by the Following code ...
Someone's user avatar
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Can I use Mathematica in English with a Spanish keyboard?

I'm accustomed to using Mathematica in English but I've noticed that Preferences>>Interface>>Language>>English messes my Spanish keyboard layout. ...
Camilo's user avatar
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How do I permanently remove the Wolfram Desktop folder? [duplicate]

Wolfram Desktop creates a "Wolfram Desktop" folder in my Documents folder on macOS, in violation of Apple's guidelines. I can delete it but it keeps coming back each time I launch Desktop. How do I ...
orome's user avatar
  • 12.9k
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Accessing my init.m from another machine?

I have stored my init.m as CloudObject["init.m"]. What I'd like to do is load it (that is, all of its symbol and function ...
George's user avatar
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How to copy Mathematica settings from Linux to Windows

I have installed Mathematica both in Windows and in Linux. Can I copy the \$UserBaseDirectory folder in Linux (usually ~/.Mathematica) to the \$UserBaseDirectory in ...
João Bravo's user avatar
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Add Edge Label to certain edge in a bipartite graph

From , I modified the code to display the bipartite graph I want and how do I label my edge with the edge weight by manually specifying it? I use <...
Ray Jasson's user avatar
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How to config Mathematica to make Cell GroupOpener visible?

I am using Mathematica 12 and I am trying to set up some global preferences. What I am looking for is a way to set up globally (i.e. once and for all), for the Cells of ...
hal's user avatar
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Automatically additionally save a .pdf of every notebook saved as .nb

Is it possible to configure Mathematica to automatically save a .pdf of every notebook saved as .nb? If it matters: I am using Mathematica 11 on Windows 10.
Toby's user avatar
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Can't modify "Kernel Configuration Options"

Immediately after adding a kernel using the Evaluation --> Kernel Configuration Options, I cannot further modify the list of kernels in that configuration panel (...
Lelouch's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is there a tool for editing the spelling dictionary?

Is there a tool for editing the spelling dictionary? Now that Mathematica 12 does spellchecking on the fly, I've been using it. And of course, as I was wondering how I might delete a word ...
Steven Thomas Hatton's user avatar
9 votes
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What are the conseqences of setting TrackCellChangeTimes to False? How are CellChangeTimes useful?

I know there are discussions on this site about version control, etc. And it appears that CellChangeTimes are used for this purpose, but how? As an individual ...
Steven Thomas Hatton's user avatar
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How to use InputForm for printed and output expressions in console mode

When I run Mathematica in console mode (math.exe/wolfram.exe) without a GUI frontend, then printed and output expressions are (...
Vladimir Reshetnikov's user avatar
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Change large output background color in ReverseColor stylesheet

I like using the ReverseColor stylesheet in Mathematica as I find it easier on the eyes when staring at at notebook for long periods of time. However, the one bugbear I have is that some of the ...
nonreligious's user avatar
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How to open Details and Options in Help Browser by default? [duplicate]

One of minor inconveniences for me is when I invoke the Help browser for a context symbol (or via search, does not matter), the Details and Options section cell is closed, and I must click to open it. ...
kkm mistrusts SE's user avatar
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Why doesn't my package load automatically when placed in \$UserBaseDirectory\Autoload? [duplicate]

I'm using Mathematica 10.4 on Windows 10. I created a package which loads when I run Needs["sub`package`"] That works whether the package is placed relative to ...
Steven Thomas Hatton's user avatar
9 votes
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Change units in PlanetData["Earth", "Diameter"] from miles to km

When I enter AstronomicalData["Earth", "Radius"] I get Quantity[6.3674447*10^6, "Meters"] I would have preferred kilometers, ...
Steven Thomas Hatton's user avatar
1 vote
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Code Assist never worked [closed]

Working with Mathematica - code assist does not work at all. All the Options Inspector fields seem correct. Could be some missing files from $BaseDirectory...
Charles's user avatar
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How to specify notebook's Saveable option from command line?

I've tried various ways to specify a notebook's Saveable option, all unsuccessful. For example, using an external editor, I edited ...
kjo's user avatar
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How to prevent Mathematica from creating gigantic wl-stream-stdout-* files?

I have been running a Mathematica computation for the last few hours. I just discovered that a file with a name of the form ...
kjo's user avatar
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Configuration to limit time spent on formatting output

A typical example: I type the expression DumpSave["/some/path/", something] ...and hit Shift-Enter. Then the kernel goes off on a 15-minute evaluation. ...
kjo's user avatar
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Backup configuration (Linux)

My Mathematica installation (V11 on Linux Mint 17.3) has created a 3GB directory ".Mathematica" in my home directory. Is there any point in backing this up or will it just be recreated if I deleted ...
mikado's user avatar
  • 17.1k
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Including Mathematica code in every new notebook automaticaly

I often want to have the same code at the beginning of every new notebook. Is it possible to configure Mathematica, such that whenever you create a new notebook some user-defined code will always be ...
user27119's user avatar
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How to set UnitSystem permanently

I would like to set the system of units ($UnitSystem) permanently to "Metric". I know that I can do ...
rhermans's user avatar
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"Notebook Indexer for Windows" shows "Not Installed" [duplicate]

Testing the latest (10.3.1) on windows to decide if it's time to move up from 9. I note, after full install, that the Notebook Indexer for Windows shows as Not Installed. The WindowsNotebookIndexer....
ciao's user avatar
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How to change proxy settings programmatically?

I'm using version 10.2 on Linux, and need to access some web services via proxy server sometimes. Is there a way to change the proxy settings, which can be modified manually in the "Preferences" AFAIK,...
liuhui's user avatar
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Creating a keyboard shortcut to change the Style of text [duplicate]

I'm editing a very long text in a Mathematica notebook and I'm using the "Article" stylesheet. In this text, code is highlighted using ...
andandandand's user avatar
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Issue with Mathematica Interface Colors in Linux

I have Mathematica installed on Linux and I have noticed that the colors are quite difficult to read. I am not sure how to configure the colors Mathematica uses for its interface components. In the ...
Patrick Harrington's user avatar
4 votes
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Specifically retrieving all "non-default" option values from the Options Inspector

Recently Mathematica broke on me and I had to reinstall. I lost all of the changes I've made in my Options Inspector over the past year and am attempting to go back and change them again by memory. ...
B flat's user avatar
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Mathematica hangs on “Initializing kernels…“ at startup [duplicate]

My Mathematica 10.0 doesn’t start anymore (hangs while “Initializing kernels…“). I already reduced the problem to the file pacletSiteData_10.pmd2 in ...
Florian Oppermann's user avatar
22 votes
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How to connect to EC2?

I have Mathematica 10.2 installed on an Ubuntu 14 machine in Amazon web services's elastic computer cloud. I have dido access and I'm connected to the instance though ssh on the terminal. I have an ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Mathematica as Answer Set Programming (ASP) engine?

Maybe I need to rephrase this question, so that it might receive some attention: Are there any packages or examples of how to put Mathematica to good use in the field of ASP (Answer Set Programming) ...
Jinxed's user avatar
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How to change the MATHEMATICA_USERBASE directory

I’ve found, from reading the help on MathKernel in the help system and in a number of questions here, that to make that change in Windows at least one apparently needs to enter “MathKernel … options” ...
Steersman's user avatar
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how to show or find full path of file listed in the File->Open dialog?

This question was posted 2 days ago at community. I had a good answer but it does not quit do what I wanted. Hence I am trying here to see if someone might know of some other solution. Here is the ...
Nasser's user avatar
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Is there a way to make the "Details" section of the Documentation expanded by default?

By default, the Mathematica documentation opens with the "Details" section collapsed. This is never what I'm looking for — in fact, I've lost count of the times I've sought help on a feature and not ...
orome's user avatar
  • 12.9k
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Configure initial directory

How can I configure the initial directory? By configure, I mean set it so that when Mathematica starts the initial directory is one of my choosing. By the by, what exactly is the significance of the ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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Setting Up Lightweight Grid On Multiple Clients Programmatically

I have a number of computers which all might need to use the same (client) configuration for the Wolfram Lightweight Grid at some point. I know that there are ways to programmatically set certain ...
evanb's user avatar
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