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Questions tagged [wolfram-alpha-queries]

Use this for questions about calling Wolfram Alpha from Mathematica. Questions about Wolfram Alpha itself are off-topic.

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4 answers

Median household income for each county in Maryland

I found that Wolfram|Alpha knows the median household income for every county in the US. I wanted to get a list of all counties in Maryland, and the median income in each county. The only way I could ...
Ted Ersek's user avatar
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Analyzing frequency of individual letters in a large body of text

There are interesting histograms about the English language: BarChart[Counts[StringTake[WordList[], 1]], ChartLabels -> Automatic] ...
vito's user avatar
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Find all synonyms of word X that rhyme with word Y

Given two words x and y, I'd like to find the set of all words that rhyme with x and are synonymous with y. Is this possible with WordData or ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Converting WolframAlpha Output to Markdown

I am calling Wolfram Alpha using WolframScript. That is, I can't display all the beauty that is inserted into Wolfram Mathematica Notebook. Let's say I execute a line like this: ...
Kirill Belov's user avatar
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Is it possible in Mathematica to get a step-by-step evaluation of the following?

Is it possible in Mathematica (or WolframAlpha["...]") to get a step-by-step evaluation of the following? ...
1_student's user avatar
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Convert List of Airport Codes to Entities

I have a list of airport codes: airports = {"ABE", "ABI", "ACT"} How can I convert this into a list of entities in Mathematica? Is this possible? I tried: ...
STATWORX's user avatar
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Why does MMA fail to find a solution but WA does?

I am looking for $n$, where $$\dfrac{2^{-3 n-2} \pi ^{n+1}}{(n+1)!}<\dfrac{1}{10000000000000000}$$ We can just test values of $n$ and find the smallest $n = 13$, or any $n \gt 13$ or can use ...
Moo's user avatar
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Attaching WolframAlpha data

I have used WolframAlpha since it was launched (now a pro member) but am new to Mathematica 8. Is there a way to automatically add data from WA to a Mathematica dataset? For example, what if I ...
Andrew Brēza's user avatar
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Difference between free-form input via WolframAlpha[] and CTRL+=

WolframAlpha["query"] - Free-form input - For example: ...
vasili111's user avatar
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Error with Wolfram Alpha

I tried evaluating the following limit with WA, but I got a wrong answer. The limit is: $$\lim_{n\to\infty}\left| \frac{n\sin^2(n+1)}{(n+1)\sin^2(n)}\right|$$ The result that I obtained from WA was $0$...
user372003's user avatar
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How can I get all the results from a Wolfram | Alpha query?

When I query Wolfram | Alpha with "city in orange county, california", it returns the first four results with a note that there are "42 total". I can then hit the "more" button until all 42 are ...
Bezewy's user avatar
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Empty .png figures generated by a function "PlotWithGrid" whereas no problem with Export function

I have an issue about a .wls script that I can't manage to solve for the moment. I execute it with wolframscript interpeter on ...
youpilat13's user avatar
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Creating a function to simplify WolframAlpha query

When I can't remember an integral I usually just query wolfram and have it show steps. This was my naive attempt at trying to make a simpler function. ...
2c2c's user avatar
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Discrepancy between area given by CountryData and GeoArea of FullPolygon

CountryData["US", "Area"] puts the area of U.S. at $9.63\times 10^6 \textrm{ km}^2$, while ...
arax's user avatar
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Obtaining Historical Financial Data

I'm trying to get the historical P/E ratio for a number of securities. WolframAlpha makes this seem easy: However, when I try to obtain a subset (or even just a single value) of this information in ...
wizlog's user avatar
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Converting in various currencies

I was just playing around with Mathematica converting some currencies: ...
Phab's user avatar
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What is the current WolframAlpha server capacity?

Considering the increasing workload WolframAlpha is now receiving as it is getting more tightly integrated into the Wolfram language. With things like Entities even ...
user13892's user avatar
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U.S. Treasury Yield Curve via WolframAlfa

Disturbingly coincident with the U.S. Treasury Yield Curve's recent volatility and inversion, the previously highly reliable & available data from the Treasury's website at Treasury's website xml ...
Jagra's user avatar
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CloudDeploy fails when using WolframAlpha as APIFunction

I am trying to create a Wolfram API that returns, for an input expression, how Wolfram Alpha interprets that input. For example, given the string "1 plus 2", the API should return "1 + 2". Locally, ...
ArVID220u's user avatar
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Timeout in implicit Wolfram|Alpha calls, but WolframAlpha works

In general we expect this to work: Quantity["Speed of light"] Quantity[1, "SpeedOfLight"] And it does because it can make use of Wolfram|Alpha. Oddly, though, ...
b3m2a1's user avatar
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Extracting Code Used in Wolfram Alpha Query Output

If I type == moon texture map into Mathematica it sends a query to Wolfram Alpha and gives me the following output: A 3D sphere with a moon surface texture is ...
indigoblue's user avatar
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Known restrictions for WolframAlpha in CDF Player and PlayerPro

Are there any known (documented?) restrictions for the use of the WolframAlpha function in CDF-Player and PlayerPro? I only found this answer which mentions upper values for various license version, ...
Albert Retey's user avatar
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Does Mathematica compute free-form-input on Wolfram servers?

I've just started to use Mathematica and I'm using the free-form input a lot. The computation time for simple problems seems to take a lot of time and my CPU isn't really used at all. I first thought ...
qwertz's user avatar
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Possible to batch WolframAlpha queries?

Sometimes I want some country data not available from CountryData. And issuing things like: ...
ssch's user avatar
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Find the volume & weight of a US$4,000,000 gold ingot

The other day I read that $4,000,000 worth of gold was stolen from a truck. I was wondering how much it would it weigh, and what would be the volume. Sounds like a good problem for Wolfram|Alpha or ...
Ted Ersek's user avatar
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Conditional Summations

I am not a math major, but for a networking class, I am taking I am required to do summations for probability. I know the logic but I don't know the mathematical theory to make this work. Using ...
Edward Domka's user avatar
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Shading an area enclosed by a loop

I am plotting the folium of Descartes as a parametric plot, and trying to find the arclength and the area enclosed by the loop. I got both of them covered result-wise, but my professor wants us to ...
Jakob's user avatar
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Why can't I plot two graphs on the same plane in WolframAlpha?

When I plot these graphs separately everything is OK, but when I try to plot them simultaneously I get error. Why?
Tag's user avatar
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Is there an issue with calls to WolframAlpha from Mathematica? [closed]

I was trying to use the step by step to get a solution to an integral, but it was failing, so I tried an even simpler example from the Wolfram documentation ...
Moo's user avatar
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Plotting country as a polygon

I am trying to reproduce an example from Geographics. GeoGraphics[Polygon[Italy]] It does not work. Using Ctrl+= this way: ...
Erich Neuwirth's user avatar
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How do I use FinancialData to obtain company revenue and income?

I'd like to make a plot of a company's revenue and income over time. I can do this via Wolfram Alpha pretty easily, just by searching "Ford revenue and earnings from 2000 to 2012". As such I can, if ...
latkin's user avatar
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Importing crude oil prices from WolframAlpha

WolframAlpha has knowledge of crude oil prices, as a simple query will show. I am trying to obtain this data for use in Mathematica but I am not able to figure out the input. If I try ...
Whelp's user avatar
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how to get historical data from wolfram alpha

The following command give historical data from 21th April 2017 to 19th April 2018. Which is about 1 year. How do i get this result for past three years from wolfram alpha. ...
user13892's user avatar
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Step by step solution of a differential equation - Call Wolfram|Alpha in Mathematica

I know that it's possible to get the step by step solution of a differential equation calling Wolfram in Mathematica. For example: ...
Gennaro Arguzzi's user avatar
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Daylight hours vs calendar date

Is there a way in Mathematica or Wolfram Alpha to get a plot of daylight hours vs calendar date and rate of change of daylight hours vs calendar date. Lets say I want the plot for latitude 45 degrees ...
LA_Ross's user avatar
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FetchUrl status forbbiden when using Wolfram Alpha query

Strange thing here. If I try this with Free-form input: Sqrt[(2^t*Log[2])^2/(1 - 2^(2*t))] I have no problem... But if I try the same expression in the Wolfram ...
Perico Cruel's user avatar
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Can I get LLM optimized output using WolframAlpha function in Mathematica?

Can I get LLM optimized output using WolframAlpha function in Mathematica? I want to use simple text output from Wolfram Alpha withoud complex pods. I know that this is available by API, but I didn/t ...
Kirill Belov's user avatar
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Engineering materials entity class

Are there any Entity Class like EntityClassList["Mineral"] to get physical properties of "Materials" like steel alloys, polymers, ceramics or ...
Jose Nuñez's user avatar
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Querying WolframAlpha from WolframScript

Is it possible to query WolframAlpha from a wolframscript query? The following yields $Failed: ...
George's user avatar
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Is there a Wikidata - based Entity system yet? seems to have a similar goal as the new Entity/EntityProperty Wolfram-knowledge base system. The differences are that Wikidata is open, promising faster expansion and fixing, but of ...
masterxilo's user avatar
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Force expression in certain form

Is there a function in Mathematica to force an expression to be transformed into a given form. For example f[x] is a function of ...
tmlen's user avatar
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Wolfram alpha algorithm for geometric packing in 2D [closed]

Is there any way to gain access to the algorithm that wolfram alpha uses? More specifically, I want to pack small circles in hex and square patters in a larger cicle (
J Doe's user avatar
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Mixing Wolfram Language & WolframAlpha Queries - How robust is it?

The advent of Mathematica in the cloud and linguistic input potentially transforms expectations of the Wolfram Language's programming model and its inherent robustness. An example of this comes form ...
Ronald Monson's user avatar
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How to extract equations from WolframAlpha step-by-step solution programmatically?

I am calling ...
Kristians Kuhta's user avatar
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How to calculate complicated expression in WolframAlpha

I need to evaluate the limit: $$\lim_{n\to\infty}\prod_{k=1}^\infty \left(1-\frac{n}{\left(\frac{n+\sqrt{n^2+4}}{2}\right)^k+\frac{n+\sqrt{n^2+4}}{2}}\right).$$ I could not type into WolframAlpha ...
bilgamish's user avatar
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Find the average GDP of multiple countries at once

How would I find the average GDP of a list of countries between set years? I know how to do it for one but I'm not sure about multiple values. I also wish to find the average population size. An ...
hellohi's user avatar
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Why doesn't Mathematica provide an answer while Wolfram|Alpha does, concerning a series convergence?

Among other series I've been working on, I was asked to find whether $$\sum_n 1-\cos(\frac{\pi}{n})$$ converged, and Mathematica's output to ...
Albert's user avatar
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Facebook Report is not available [duplicate]

Personal Analytics for Facebook doesn't work. Some information is not available Also there is a same problem in Mathematica 10. Can anyone help me ? Thanks
vito's user avatar
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How do I get a list of all the wine producing countries using V11?

I have tried several options and although I have looked at Wolfram Alpha snippets, I cannot get those to work in V11. This link is the best I could find, but I cannot replicate it for wine, or wine ...
Henk's user avatar
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Showing steps for TrigExpand

If I enter a double equal sign and the following in Mathematica 10: == integrate 1/(1+x^4) Then wolfram alpha allows me to select a Step-by-step solution, which ...
David's user avatar
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