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Questions tagged [web-access]

Questions about using Mathematica for accessing web sites and using such functions as URLFetch and URLSave.

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URL functions overload

All these functions seem capable of doing the same things: Import, URLFetch, URLSave, ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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-5 votes
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Passing the name of an url to ma [closed]

I have the following command How to circonvent this weird comportment. Perhaps, it is not possible to open a pdf file from mathematica. But this is not the full problem.
cyrille.piatecki's user avatar
4 votes
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Use Mathematica inside web app?

My python code running in a Flask web application needs to return results from Mathematica, what is the best way to achieve this? Are there any examples of this having been done successfully?
user5601's user avatar
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How to use URLDownload if the url doesn't have the correct filetype extension?

I'm using the new (in V11) function UrlDownload[] I have a url I'd like to save to a local file, but the url is missing a (or has the incorrect) filetype extension....
user5601's user avatar
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Is it possible to search the web by image from Mathematica?

Is it possible to perform a web search based on an image input? There are several services that provide this: Google, Bing, TinEye, and maybe others. I am not sure which can be accessed ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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How to use the new function FindCookies?

This is a further question of this post. Actually this code from SqRoots.And this code has completed the task. (I assume you are using Mozilla Firefox and MMA version 11.0) ...
yode's user avatar
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23 votes
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Can Mathematica act like a web server?

I have a Mathematica program that modifies images that I would like to make available for other people to use through the web. The input is only one parameter. So, for example, I could run it as a ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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How to crawl some website needed username and password [duplicate]

In version 11,if we want to crawl public website like wiki,we can do it like this: URLRead["", "Body"] But I don't know how ...
yode's user avatar
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Make Mathematica input stuffs on websites

Main Question I'm currently making a web crawler, but I'll need to deal with login windows sometimes. All simple web crawlers created with Mathematica I've seen before cannot deal with input boxes or ...
Wjx's user avatar
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Ideas on source to learn the ins and outs of all Web Operations?

Since beginning to learn Mathematica a few months ago, I have been amazed by its capabilities. I have recently come across basic web operations such as URLFetch and I am interested in learning more. ...
Hidrocalido's user avatar
7 votes
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How to `URLEncode` spaces properly?

URLEncode encodes spaces as plus symbols, but this isn't what we want: The encoding used by default is based on a very early version of the general URI percent-...
M.R.'s user avatar
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URLFetch meet the problem of 502

I'm using Mathematica10.0.2 on Win7 to write a crawler. Here is a piece of my code: ...
Harry's user avatar
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How to extract an answer on Mathematica.SE as an image [duplicate]

When I try to get this answer from Mathematica.SE by evaluating Import[""] I just get some text without any ...
yode's user avatar
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7 votes
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Web Browsing Automation: how to expand all comments under a blog post?

I wish to expand all the comments under a LiveJournal post for the purposes of saving the complete thread of comments. According to LiveJournal's FAQ when a post gets more than 50 comments they are ...
Alexey Popkov's user avatar
2 votes
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Web crawler: want to ignore login windows [closed]

I'm trying to make web crawler with Mathematica. ...
Silvio Fankhauser's user avatar
4 votes
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How do I use Mathematica to upload to Clyp?

Clyp is a service for hosting sound files that (as of now) doesn't require registration. I'm wondering if it's possible to write a function that'll upload a Sound ...
teremok's user avatar
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How to make a picture grid of all Nobel Laureates in physics?

I want to make a picture grid of all Nobel Laureates in physics using mathematica. Later I wanna print this picture grid on a big wall! The first thought I came up with is to exploit the powerful ...
matheorem's user avatar
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14 votes
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How to use URLFetch for a https secure automated login?

UPDATE 9 March 2017: I added a bounty to this question, I think it is a hard and challenging problem and can prove that Mathematica is capable of almost anything. Sadly user1473011's answer does not ...
nilo de roock's user avatar
6 votes
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How to access a web API with HTTP POST and JSON

I want to get data using HTTPS from POST HTTP/1.1 using JSON ...
nilo de roock's user avatar
2 votes
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Uploading an image to a CloudDeploy Wolfram Language web app

I want to do image processing using the Wolfram Language on a web app hosted on the Wolfram Cloud. The user must be able to upload a PNG image to the Wolfram Cloud, how can I set this up? I've ...
andandandand's user avatar
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Two-step web data submission

I am trying to automate the process of downloading data from my univ. webpage. I need to submit the form in the URL below. An inspection ...
Dr Krishnakumar Gopalakrishnan's user avatar
7 votes
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How to change proxy settings programmatically?

I'm using version 10.2 on Linux, and need to access some web services via proxy server sometimes. Is there a way to change the proxy settings, which can be modified manually in the "Preferences" AFAIK,...
liuhui's user avatar
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Is there a library or API for interacting with WebSockets in Mathematica?

I'm trying to build a Mathematica model that can retrieve and send data to a service that uses a WebSocket protocol. Is there a library or set of APIs for MMA that interace to WebSockets?
LBushkin's user avatar
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Getting error from CommunityGraphPlot

Situation I'd like analyse my web site with CommunityGraphPlot as follows: Step 1: Define a function to scrape the all the webpages from expected website. ...
PureLine's user avatar
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Import using POST method and web-page drill down

A response to a previous question about invoking the POST method via Mathematica was most informative in trying to further understand the intricacies of using the POST Method to obtain tabular data ...
Stuart Poss's user avatar
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How do you submit an Input type of "file" using URLExecute?

I have to submit a form like as follows: <input type="file" name="jpgFile"> I can't seem to find any instructions on sending this in URLExecute. If I ...
Simon O'Doherty's user avatar
10 votes
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Use Mathematica to save all citations from Google Scholar search

How can I save all citations from a Google Scholar search? For instance, in a search for "Radon transformation", there are about 35,500 results. I want to download all citations into a string - is ...
GregH's user avatar
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How to download tables from a url?

I'm trying to import all the tables on a website, this one in particular: For local files that are already tabular, ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Why does Import[#, "ImageLinks"]& fail?

I'm having difficulty with Importing urls embedded in a site (with and without pagination). This command: ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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URLFetch Problem with the Size of HTTP Message Body [closed]

I am trying to transmit this string as an HTTP Message BODY ...
Athanassios's user avatar
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How to access the string of the cell I am typing?

I'm trying to map a keyboard shortcut to google search the contents of the cell I am typing. Here is my code so far: ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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1 vote
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How to scrape image search engines?

I'd like to download highest resolution images possible from the search results like these: ...
M.R.'s user avatar
  • 31.8k
2 votes
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Is there a better way to download images in parallel?

Is this the best way to batch save a list of image urls in parallel? ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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5 votes
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How to download pictures from webpage automatically?

Today, I read a good web page about love which owns many beautiful pictures. It is fussy for me to download every picture hand-by-hand, so I'd like to use Mathematica to do this case automatically. I ...
xyz's user avatar
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Import citation data for BibTeX using DOI?

I recently discovered that Digital Object Identifiers can be used for a lot more than just a reliable link to an article or dataset, and in some cases the DOI url's support semantic queries. This ...
dionys's user avatar
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Retrieving a Portion of Webpage Code using URLFetch

The URLFetch command is very useful for pulling the entire html source of a given webpage, however, if one wanted to speed up the process, by only requesting a ...
iwantmyphd's user avatar
30 votes
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Reading from a socket stream

I noticed an undocumented socket package (SocketLink) in Mathematica (Using version 10, not sure when it was actually added) and wrote a barebones HTTP responder ...
MBryn's user avatar
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Download Youtube Videos

Is there a way to display or download youtube videos in Mathematica. Youtube is HTML5 enabled so I am hopeful there might be an easy way.
YoutubeUser's user avatar
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How to get the subdirectory of a ftp weblink?

For example, I can use FileNames["*",dir] to get all subdirectory under dir if dir is some directory of my local computer. Suppose that I want to get all ...
Harry's user avatar
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How can I determine `Parameters` for use in `URLFetch`?

I'm trying to download data from website automatically using Mathematica, and URLFetch seems like it should be suited to the task. I'm interested in its "passing ...
Harry's user avatar
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Dropbox datastore

Dropbox seems to have a feature where it can be used as a database. This would be really cool to use for memoized functions, that can be restored on several computers and sessions. I have a function ...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
10 votes
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How to execute JavaScipt on a webpage and then import the result on OSX?

I would like to import data from this page through Mathematica, . I tried importing through the default Import function ...
user19218's user avatar
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Lookup in Inverse Symbolic Calculator+ from Mathematica

There is a useful feature in WolframAlpha that allows to find a possible closed form for approximate numeric values. It can be used, for example, to guess the value of an integral that Mathematica ...
Vladimir Reshetnikov's user avatar
12 votes
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More complete "MutipartData" POSTs using URLFetch

I'm trying to upload a file to a wiki using Mathematica's URLFetch. Some preliminary work is required - one needs to log in to the wiki, obtain an edit token, and ...
Dror Bar-Natan's user avatar
4 votes
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Using a web-crawler to search website for occurrences of keywords

Given this list of cities: ...
Jason Born's user avatar
4 votes
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Importing web page data

I tried importing a webpage using Import: ...
GregH's user avatar
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Parse website data that requires interaction with a form (POST)

I want to analyse Chilean elections data available in the official website. What I have returns the data for president (numbers are strings, to be parsed later). ...
rhermans's user avatar
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Problem with importing a JCAMP-DX IR spectrum file

I wrote a little function to import JCAMP-DX electron ionization or mass spectral files from the NIST webbook web site (e.g. mass spectrum of hydrogen chloride at
Tom Wenseleers's user avatar
11 votes
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Look up info associated with a given CAS chemical identifier from the NIST webbook & NCI CADD Chemical Identifier Resolver

I would like to retrieve information associated with a given CAS registry number (Chemical Abstracts Service nr) from the NIST webbook web site in Mathematica, using the provided API (e.g. for ...
17 votes
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How do I put my packages into Dropbox

I don't want to necessarily put my packages in Mathematica's $UserBaseDirectory, which is on my local hard drive. Can I somehow tell Mathematica to look for ...
QuantumDot's user avatar
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