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Questions tagged [knots]

Questions about exploring knot theory using Mathematica.

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Graphic3D with Specularity and Glow

I am new to Mathematica, and I am currently using it to plot 3D figures. My problem is when I use Graphic3D with Specularity and ...
kiz's user avatar
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KnotTheory` Passing PD Encoding of a Knot Diagram to Kh

I have a bunch of knot diagrams I would like to use the Kh function in KnotTheory to compute the Khovanov homology for. Almost ...
gdd's user avatar
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Unable to use KnotTheory

I've installed the KnotTheory package, following the instructions here. But when I try to use it I get this error: ...
32the67's user avatar
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Plot a Satellite Knot

I need some help to plot a Satellite or cable knot. For example, see figure A torus knot and a cable knot. (a) The red curve lying on the yellow torus is a (2,3) torus knot. (b) The embedded yellow ...
Jose Nuñez's user avatar
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RegionPlot3D KnotData

Is it possible to find or construct a RegionPlot out of KnotData? My motivation is to Texture...
martin's user avatar
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Issue Installing Knot Theory

I have been trying to install the Knot Theory package from the knot atlas, but have been unsuccessful. Firstly I tried the command << KnotTheory` but ...
Broudy's user avatar
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generating torus and n-torus knots in mathematica

I am wondering if it's possible to either algorithmically generate or access a built in database of n-torus knots in Mathematica? If not, are there any known databases or algorithms which I could ...
Ari's user avatar
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How can I reduce the error estimate of numerical integration in Mathematica?

Before introducing the integral I want to go through some definitions. Define triangles $T_1$ and $T_2$ by the points $\{a,b,c\}$ and $\{d,e,f\}$ respectively. Define $$D(u,v,x,y) = sign(\det (y-u,y-v,...
Pedro Morales's user avatar
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Export Basis spline information to matlab

i am new to Mathematica. I have generated the contours of this image with the following code ...
Paolo Amato's user avatar
5 votes
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Orient a Knot Diagram

I need some help to orient a diagram knot For example if I have the diagram KnotData["Trefoil,"KnotDiagram"] How can I orient the diagram? I have tried to find a ...
SSG19's user avatar
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Plotting symmetric closed loop on surface of sphere (plotting spherical knot)

Here are some my attempts. ...
azerbajdzan's user avatar
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Alexander polynomials for Pretzel knots

All knots, such as this torus knot, KnotData[{"TorusKnot", {3, 5}}] have an associated Alexander polynomial: ...
David G. Stork's user avatar
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The design implication of PD[X[ #, #, #, #], X[#, #, #, #]]

In Package KnotTheory, there's a function called PD[] that takes a tabulated knot and returns its PD codes, for example: ...
Van's user avatar
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Issue Plotting Torus Link

I'm having an issue plotting torus links in Mathematica. What I'm trying to generate is a (2,8) torus link like the one in the picture in Wikipedia: using equations such as those outlined here. ...
Ztan's user avatar
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Intersection between knot and plane

I have to find, with Mathematica, the intersection between the curve defined by a knot and a plane defined by three points, in 3D space. I tried to find the intersection with ...
Francesco Malito's user avatar
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Extracting tube style from KnotData

How do I extract the tube style (including lighting, viewpoint, ...) from KnotData["Trefoil"] and apply it to a space curve, such as ...
David G. Stork's user avatar
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Plot a circle in 3-D with a tangle

I'd like to plot a circle with a small tangle. I tried it but it didn't work. I want to plot it like in the picture below but only in 3-D if it is possible. What i did so far ...
McBotto.t's user avatar
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Deform a three-dimensional knot

Mathematica has curated knot data, e.g., KnotData[{3, 1}] One can extract the three-dimensional space curve in this way: ...
David G. Stork's user avatar
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Color Trefoil-Knot

i need some help to plot a three colored Trefoil knot. I found on Wolfram the code ...
McBotto.t's user avatar
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Coloring strands in braids

Is there an option, or simple work-around, for coloring each strand in a three-dimensional BraidImage differently? For instance, I'd like to render a braid image ...
David G. Stork's user avatar
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How to pre or post process KnotData "substrate"

What I'm after might be thought of as operating on the 'rope' that KnotData[] uses. Specifically, I'd like to be able to specify that the knot is to be made of a ...
Rabbit's user avatar
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Knot diagrams and knot projection diagrams

One of Mathematica's lovely curated databases is KnotData, as you can see by running: KnotData[{"PretzelKnot", {5, 2, 3}}] ...
David G. Stork's user avatar
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The point movement on the torus knot

I would like to ask about the point movement on the torus knot. ...
Mike's user avatar
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How to add color to a knot

Is there a way to use a colorscheme to a KnotData image? One way is probably convert it to a parametric form and then use ...
Sumit's user avatar
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Adapting KnotDiagramData to form more visually pleasing diagram

Graphics[KnotData[{5, 1}, "KnotDiagramData"]] gives but I would like to create diagrams like this remeniscent of Celtic knot designs (which I made by adapting the ...
martin's user avatar
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