I am using Mathematica 10.1. Mathematica constantly freezes on the first or the second attempt to display a 3D Graphic (Plot3D, ListPlot3D, Show..).
Here's a simple example
In[1]:=test = Plot3D[1, {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 1}, ImageSize -> Large,
BoxRatios -> Automatic, SphericalRegion -> True];
After calling the second line for a couple of times Mathematica hangs up. A message asking to disable dynamic updating appears after a while, but disabling has no effect.
There are also some other details and my thoughts:
Everything worked just fine, then I didn't use Mathematica for about a month and the problem appeared.
The problem arises with a different pieces of code.
The problem seems to be connected with displaying 3D plots or dynamic updating.
When Mathematica hangs up it does not drain a lot of memory or CPU, but it constantly requests more memory until the process is killed.
UPD: I have another observation: after some evaluations all of my variables just get cleared while they shouldn't. Didn't work out a rule when this happens though.