I execute the same code in Mathematica 9 and MAthematica 10, and have this different results.
Expr1 = -0.7 alfa + 2;
Expr2 = 1.2 alfa + 1.3;
p2 = Plot[{Expr1, Expr2}, {alfa, 0, 1},
BaseStyle -> AbsoluteThickness[9],
PlotLegends ->
LineLegend["Expressions", BaseStyle -> AbsoluteThickness[4]],
PlotRange -> {Automatic, {-5, 10}}, AspectRatio -> 1.5]
Solve[Expr1 == Expr2, alfa]
What options I have use to obtaining in Mathematica10 the same results as en Math9.0
Thickness, and colors series.