The ordering of the roots and consequently which is the fourth root depends on when a
is given its value.
Table[Root[-7 a^4 #1^2 - 2 a^2 #1^4 + #1^6 &, n] // ToRadicals, {n, 6}] /.
a -> 1.
{0, 0, 0. + 1.35219 I, 0. - 1.35219 I, 1.95664, -1.95664}
Table[Root[-7 a^4 #1^2 - 2 a^2 #1^4 + #1^6 &, n] /. a -> 1. // ToRadicals, {n,
{-1.95664, 0., 0., 1.95664, 0. - 1.35219 I, 0. + 1.35219 I}
Part 2.
f[n_, x_] = Hypergeometric2F1[1/2 - n/2, 1 - n/2, 1 - n, x];
From the definition of Hypergeometric2F1
you can see that the sum f[n, -4] does not converge in general
Sum[Pochhammer[1/2 - n/2, m] Pochhammer[1 - n/2, m]/
Pochhammer[1 - n, m] (-4)^m/m!, {m, 0, Infinity}]
Sum::div: Sum does not converge. >>
Sum[((-4)^m*Pochhammer[1/2 - n/2,
m]*Pochhammer[1 - n/2, m])/
(m!*Pochhammer[1 - n, m]), {m, 0, Infinity}]
However, it has a "Borel" regularized value
Sum[Pochhammer[1/2 - n/2, m] Pochhammer[1 - n/2, m]/
Pochhammer[1 - n, m] (-4)^m/m!, {m, 0, Infinity},
Regularization -> "Borel"]
((1/2)*(1 + Sqrt[5]))^n/Sqrt[5]
This is the value used by FunctionExpand
or FullSimplify
f[n, -4] // FunctionExpand // Simplify
((1/2)*(1 + Sqrt[5]))^n/Sqrt[5]
f[n, -4] // FullSimplify
((1/2)*(1 + Sqrt[5]))^n/Sqrt[5]
However, for n
an explicit positive integer the Pochhammer
symbols in the numerator stop the sum with a zero term and results in a polynomial
Table[{n, f[n, x]}, {n, 5}]
{{1, 1}, {2, 1}, {3, (4 - x)/4}, {4, (2 - x)/2}, {5,
(1/16)*(16 - 12*x + x^2)}}
list1 = (% /. x -> -4)
{{1, 1}, {2, 1}, {3, 2}, {4, 3}, {5, 5}}
These polynomials are truncations of (hence not equal to) the Borel regularized infinite series
list2 = Transpose[{Range[5],
Table[f[n, -4] // FunctionExpand // Simplify // Evaluate, {n, 5}] //
RootReduce // Simplify}]
{{1, (1/10)(5 + Sqrt[5])}, {2, (1/10)(5 + 3*Sqrt[5])}, {3, 1
+ 2/Sqrt[5]}, {4, 3/2 + 7/(2*Sqrt[5])}, {5, 5/2 + 11/(2*Sqrt[5])}}
This approaches the integer values of n as a limit
list2 == Table[{m, Limit[f[n, -4] // FullSimplify // Evaluate, n -> m]}, {m,
Plot[f[n, -4], {n, 0, 5},
Epilog -> {AbsolutePointSize[4], Red, Point[list1], Blue, Point[list2]}]
Note that the polynomial gets closer to the Borel regularized infinite series as n increases, i.e., as the order (number of terms) of the polynomial increases.
. So I think the order of operations not being commutative is probably an explanation of the first difference. (SeeRoot
, "Details".) $\endgroup$