Reading this Wolfram Functions page for hypergeometric $_2F_1$ function, I'm trying to reproduce this result with Mathematica. But not only doesn't it expand the function when appropriate assumptions are given, it doesn't even evaluate the statement to true (I took it from Input Form on the above linked page and replaced /;
with ,
FullSimplify[Hypergeometric2F1[1/2, n, 1 + n, z] ==
n!/(z^n Pochhammer[1/2, n])-((2 n Sqrt[1-z])/z) Sum[(Pochhammer[1-n, k] (1-1/z)^k)/
Pochhammer[3/2, k], {k, 0, n - 1}], Element[n, Integers] && n >= 0]
Hypergeometric2F1[1/2, n, 1 + n, z] + ( 2 n Sqrt[1 - z] Hypergeometric2F1[1, 1 - n, 3/2, (-1 + z)/z])/z == ( z^-n n!)/Pochhammer[1/2, n]
At the same time, making a table of these FullSimplify
statements with n
varying from e.g. 0
to 10
I do get a list of True
This looks a bit strange, since I'd suppose all the knowledge base of Wolfram Functions should be built-in into Mathematica.
So, how to convince Mathematica that the statement is true in general? And ultimately, how to make it output such expansions directly (so that I could learn from it, not just check something I already know)?