I have a H function which describe the location of the same temperature. I can draw the function with ContourPlot. But the real value of the temperature needed to be calculated separately. I need to plot the temperature on the Contour. How should I assign the value to the ContourPlot?
1 Answer
displaying any quantity you wish can be created with an option of the sort, ContourLabels -> (Text[Framed[#3^2], {#1, #2}, Background -> White] &)
. In this case, it creates labels displaying the square of the contour value, but #3^2
can be replaced by any desired expression involving #3
, the value of the plotted function. For instance, the ContourPlot
produced by
ContourPlot[Sin[x - y], {x, 0, Pi}, {y, 0, Pi},
ContourLabels -> (Text[Framed[#3^2], {#1, #2}, Background -> White] &)]
? Otherwise add more details and try to clarify what exactly you need. $\endgroup$