I attempted to simulate the motion of a particle approaching to a potential hill. The particle should experience a force of -1/r^2
, if the equation for the potential hill is 1/r
. So the acceleration for the particle should be -c/r^2
, where c is an arbitrary proportional constant. The particle is expected to bounce back when close enough to the hill, but it passed through the hill instead, despite of different values of c. Is there anything wrong with my code or the equations of motions. Secondly, when PlotPoints->10
changed to PlotPoints->30
in order to obtain an intact potential hill, the program becomes unbearable slow. How to get around this?
Clear[x, y, z, t, ux, uy, bx, by, cnt];
t = -2;
ux = 1; uy = 1;
bx = -1; by = -1;
obx = -1; oby = -1;
cnt = 0.2;
ax[x_, y_] := -cnt*x/( x^2 + y^2)^(3/2) ;
ay[x_, y_] := -cnt*y/( x^2 + y^2)^(3/2) ;
field = ContourPlot3D[
1/(x^2 + y^2)^(1/2) - z == 0, {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}, {z, 0, 50},
PlotPoints -> 10];
particle[t_] := (
bx = ux t + 0.5 ax[obx, oby] t^2;
by = uy t + 0.5 ay[obx, oby] t^2;
bz = 1/(bx^2 + by^2)^(1/2) ;
obx = bx; oby = by;
Red, Sphere[{bx, by, bz}, 0.1]}]);
Row[{Show[field, particle[t], ImageSize -> {300, 300}],
If[t < 2, t = t + 0.1, t = -2]}]
, UpdateInterval -> 1