I want to generate a numerical simulation in table for an equational output. I have used following code. But somehow I can't get any output. I am very novice to Mathematica. Can anyone please recommend what change I should make?
Subscript[r, 1] := (-2 Subscript[c, 1] + \[Gamma] Subscript[c,
2] - (-2 + \[Gamma]) (-a + \[Tau] + (2 + \[Gamma]) ((\[Tau] - \
\[Tau] Subscript[\[Rho], 1])/(v \[Theta] Subscript[\[Rho], 1]))^(
1/(-1 + v))))/(-4 + \[Gamma]^2)
simStep :=
Module[{\[Gamma], Subscript[\[Rho], 1],
v, \[Theta], \[Tau]}, {\[Gamma], Subscript[\[Rho], 1]} =
RandomReal[1, 2];
{\[Theta]} = 2;
{\[Tau]} = 1;
{v} = {2};
{\[Gamma]} = 0.5;
{Subscript[c, 1]} = 1;
{Subscript[c, 2]} = 1;
{Subscript[\[Rho], 1], Subscript[r, 1]}]