
I want to generate a numerical simulation in table for an equational output. I have used following code. But somehow I can't get any output. I am very novice to Mathematica. Can anyone please recommend what change I should make?

Subscript[r, 1] := (-2 Subscript[c, 1] + \[Gamma] Subscript[c, 
   2] - (-2 + \[Gamma]) (-a + \[Tau] + (2 + \[Gamma]) ((\[Tau] - \
\[Tau] Subscript[\[Rho], 1])/(v \[Theta] Subscript[\[Rho], 1]))^(
      1/(-1 + v))))/(-4 + \[Gamma]^2)
simStep := 
 Module[{\[Gamma], Subscript[\[Rho], 1], 
   v, \[Theta], \[Tau]}, {\[Gamma], Subscript[\[Rho], 1]} = 
   RandomReal[1, 2];
  {\[Theta]} = 2;
  {\[Tau]} = 1;
  {v} = {2};
  {\[Gamma]} = 0.5;
  {Subscript[c, 1]} = 1;
  {Subscript[c, 2]} = 1;
  {Subscript[\[Rho], 1], Subscript[r, 1]}]


1 Answer 1


You get a lot of red ink. Try to simplify. Avoid complicated notations. The most useful formula: f1[x_,y_]:=f2[x,y] where f2 must not call f1 to avoid recursion (unless you want it).

Don't use Module for grouping, use parenthesis.


Clear@f1;f1[x_,y_]:=(Print@x;x+2 y)


; suppresses output.

If you need double output use a list:

Clear@f1; f1[x_, y_] := {x + 1, x^2}

Test each step before going to the next.

Clear@f2; f2@{x_, y_} := x - y


f2@{2, 3}

f2@f1[2, 3]

f@x is the same as f[x]. Clear is to be sure to start with a clean symbol.

  • $\begingroup$ Is there any serious reason to use parenthesis instead of Module or Block? Or do you recommend it simply because it is lighter? $\endgroup$
    – anderstood
    Commented Feb 10, 2021 at 20:19
  • $\begingroup$ I just use the simplest structure that is necessary. Simple means easy to read and not using computer resources. Module[{},x;y] is same as (x;y), Module[{var},x] introduces a new variable each time it is used. I almost never introduce variables, I use constants, introduced by With. The instructions I gave are probably sufficient to use Mathematica as a programmable calculator like the ones used at school. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 11, 2021 at 11:20

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