We can explore the evaluation sequence using TraceScan
. Let's start by defining a helper function, watch
, that presents the results of TraceScan
in a convenient form:
SetAttributes[watch, HoldAllComplete]
watch[expr_, fn_: Print] :=
Module[{enter, exit, depth = 0}
, SetAttributes[{enter, exit}, HoldAllComplete]
; enter[args__] := With[{d = depth++}, fn[Hold["enter", d, args]]]
; exit[args__] := With[{d = --depth}, fn[Hold["exit", d, args]]]
; TraceScan[enter, expr, _, exit]
Now, let's look at the evaluation of q
from the supplied use cases:
In[10] := watch[q]
Hold[enter, 0, q]
Hold[enter, 1, 1+2x+3y]
Hold[enter, 2, Plus]
(* ... lots of lines omitted ... *)
Hold[exit, 3, 6, 6]
Hold[exit, 2, 1+2+3, 6]
Hold[exit, 1, 1+2x+3y, 6]
Hold[exit, 0, q, 6]
The second line of this output holds the desired result. However, things are not so easy in the next use case:
In[11] := watch[f[3]]
Hold[enter, 0, f[3]]
Hold[enter, 1, f]
Hold[exit, 1, f, f]
(* ... lines omitted ... *)
Hold[exit, 1, 3<5, True]
Hold[enter, 1, X < 5 val]
Hold[enter, 2, CompoundExpression]
Hold[exit, 2, CompoundExpression, CompoundExpression]
(* ... more lines omitted ... *)
Hold[exit, 2, 1, 1]
Hold[exit, 1, X < 5;val, 1]
Hold[exit, 0, f[3], 1]
In this case, the second line does not contain the desired result -- that result appears much further down in the trace. Note, however, that the desired result appears again in the second last line. This is also true for the q
use case. Let's define step
using the working hypothesis that the result of a "single step" is always the second-last line of trace output:
SetAttributes[step, HoldAllComplete]
step[expr_] :=
, watch[expr, # /. Hold[_, 1, r_, _] :> (result = HoldForm[r]) &]
; result
Here are the results for the requested use cases:
In[20]:= x=1;y=1;
Out[22]= 1+2x+3y
In[23]:= val=1;
f[x_]/;x<5:=("X < 5";val)
f[_,y_]:=y val
step[f[3, 4]]
Out[27]= X < 5;val
Out[28]= 4 val
Out[29]= f[5-1]
In[30]:= x=7;y=4;
step[Mod[x Pi,y]]
step[Mod[7 Pi, 4]]
Out[31]= Mod[7 Pi,4]
Out[32]= 7 Pi-Quotient[7 Pi,4] 4
The output in all cases matches the desired results. We seem to have a useful solution.
This solution has at least two undesirable drawbacks. First, it is based upon a heuristic that may not hold true in cases involving tricky attribute combinations or built-in functions that avoid the evaluator completely. Second, and more serious, the solution relies upon running the evaluation to completion. step
would be a useful tool to debug non-terminating expressions, but the presented solution will not terminate in such cases.
It might be possible to fix the non-terminating problem by using some clever heuristics to locate the "enter"
output line that corresponds to the penultimate "exit"
line in trace output. The evaluation process could be terminated at that point.
Another approach would be to try to reproduce the Mathematica evaluation process ourselves. This is ambitious because some of the evaluation steps use machinery that is not exposed to us.
Yet another approach would be to lobby Wolfram to expose some kind of evaluation hook that would call a user-defined function at each evaluation step -- providing enough information to know what kind of "step" it is (e.g. head evaluation, argument evaluation, up-value resolution, down-value resolution, flattening, ordering, built-in invocation, etc).
. I need to review that function to see if it can be easily adapted to stop at the "correct" step of evaluation. $\endgroup$