The phase information follows from the optimal trigonometric approximation
(fundamentals of FourierSeries)
k = 7/5; f = 1/5; β = 3/100;
tmax = 20;
sys = {
x''[t]*x[t] + 3/2*x'[t]^2 ==x[t]^(-3*k) - 1 - 4*β*x'[t]/x[t] + f*Sin[Ω*t],
x[0] == 1, x'[0] == 0} // Simplify;
X= ParametricNDSolveValue[sys, x, {t, 0, tmax}, {Ω}]
Thanks @BobHanlon for these code lines!
phase[\[CapitalOmega]_?NumericQ] :=
M = NIntegrate[Outer[Times, {1, Cos[\[CapitalOmega] t],Sin[\[CapitalOmega] t]}, {1, Cos[\[CapitalOmega] t],Sin[\[CapitalOmega] t]}], {t, 0, tmax},Method -> "LocalAdaptive"],
rS = NIntegrate[X[\[CapitalOmega]][t] {1, Cos[\[CapitalOmega] t],Sin[\[CapitalOmega] t]}, {t, 0, tmax},Method -> "LocalAdaptive"]},
acs = LinearSolve[M, rS ];
ArcTan[acs[[2]], acs[[3]]]]
plot result
zw = Table[{\[CapitalOmega],phase[\[CapitalOmega]]}, {\[CapitalOmega], Subdivide[0 , 5, 25]}]
ListPlot[zw, Joined -> True,AxesLabel -> {\[CapitalOmega], "phase[\[CapitalOmega]]"}]
is the forcing frequency. $\endgroup$x[0]=1
. I want to plot it for the steady state condition and\[CapitalOmega]
is varying from-5
. $\endgroup$