To answer the question about accessing the function that does the plotting: the hints are here and in the SystemFiles/Formats/XYZ
In[20]:= stream = OpenRead["ExampleData/"]
Out[20]= InputStream["ExampleData/", 194]
In[22]:= data = System`Convert`XYZDump`ImportXYZ[stream]
Out[22]= {"VertexTypes" -> {"H", "N", "C", "N", "C", "C", "C", "N",
"O", "C", "O", "H", "C", "H", "H", "H", "H", "H", "C", "C", "N",
"H", "H", "H"},
"VertexCoordinates" -> {{-338.041, -112.724,
57.3304}, {96.683, -107.374, -81.9823}, {5.67293, 85.2719,
39.2316}, {-137.517, -102.122, -5.70552}, {-126.15, 25.9071,
52.3414}, {-30.6834, -168.363, -71.6934}, {113.942,
18.7412, -27.009}, {56.0263, 208.391,
82.5159}, {-49.268, -281.806, -120.947}, {-263.281, -173.04, \
-0.60953}, {-223.013, 79.8862, 108.997}, {254.97, 297.35,
62.2959}, {205.274, -173.609, -149.313}, {-248.077, -272.695,
48.8263}, {-300.89, -190.253, -104.98}, {291.761, -184.815, \
-78.5787}, {237.879, -112.119, -237.437}, {171.899, -274.899, \
-184.392}, {-15.1845, 309.7, 153.483}, {189.341, 211.812,
41.9319}, {228.613, 99.6844, -24.403}, {-16.8703, 404.366,
93.0109}, {35.3532, 329.791, 251.777}, {-120.745, 275.376,
This showed the format the next function expects:
In[23]:= ImportExport`MoleculePlot3D[data]
Out[23]= --Graphics--
To get more hints about the available rendering options, check the XYZ format documentation and take a look at the option definition for Graphics`MoleculePlotDump`iMoleculePlot3D
Options[iMoleculePlot3D] :=
Flatten[{"Rendering" -> Automatic, "AtomScaling" -> Automatic,
ColorRules -> Automatic, "DrawBonds" -> Automatic,
"DrawAtoms" -> Automatic, "InferBonds" -> Automatic,
"InferBondsMinDistance" -> 40, "InferBondsTolerance" -> 25,
"AtomSizeRules" -> Automatic, "BondSize" -> Automatic,
"WireframeBonds" -> Automatic, "ImageSizeScaled" -> False,
Boxed -> False, ViewPoint -> Automatic, ColorFunction -> Automatic,
Lighting -> "Neutral", Sequence @@ Options["Graphics3D"]}]
If you want to do more spelunking, take a look at the Spelunking package.