
From some geometric computations I get a lot of 3 dimensional points. From theory I know two facts: The points define a convex polyhedron, and this polyhedron has non-regular 3-, 4- and 5-gons as faces.

Here is a simple example:

data = {
   {0.21737620787507367`, 0.28204133994445385`, -0.6381966011250104`},
   {-0.040325224750231564`, 0.3723248410400371`, -0.6275534829989065`},
   {0.1672600561785624`, -0.3071899418976666`, -0.623794735142785`},
   {-0.40371520600005606`, 0.10830656541096881`, -0.6045922471664844`},
   {-0.1656861048330671`, -0.4587939734903912`, -0.6045922471664844`},
   {0.20241349847734352`, 0.482246933272588`, -0.5386575383182851`},
   {-0.4222912360003364`, 0.40162283177245456`, -0.4281746070019348`},
   {0.0639979843841827`, -0.6963366498275445`, -0.3852375061707666`},
   {0.5124611797498108`, 0.019901688178267346`, -0.37150307459109644`},
   {-0.6832815729997477`, -0.4016228317724545`, -0.105572809000084`},
   {-0.5897762563863808`, 0.25456081688631615`, -0.05985083759092051`},
   {-0.047213595499958017`, -0.7951478980668848`, -0.047213595499957905`},
   {0.28885438199983166`, -0.6881909602355869`, -2.7755575615628914`*^-17},
   {-0.28885438199983166`, 0.6881909602355867`, 0.`},
   {0.04721359549995807`, 0.7951478980668849`, 0.04721359549995793`},
   {0.5897762563863808`, -0.25456081688631615`, 0.05985083759092051`},
   {0.6832815729997476`, 0.4016228317724544`, 0.10557280900008403`},
   {-0.5124611797498106`, -0.01990168817826732`, 0.37150307459109644`},
   {-0.06399798438418271`, 0.6963366498275444`, 0.38523750617076646`},
   {0.4222912360003364`, -0.4016228317724546`, 0.42817460700193477`},
   {-0.20241349847734355`, -0.4822469332725877`, 0.5386575383182852`},
   {0.165686104833067`, 0.4587939734903912`, 0.6045922471664844`},
   {0.403715206000056`, -0.10830656541096874`, 0.6045922471664844`},
   {-0.16726005617856243`, 0.3071899418976664`, 0.623794735142785`},
   {0.04032522475023116`, -0.37232484104003727`, 0.6275534829989065`},
   {-0.21737620787507372`, -0.282041339944454`, 0.6381966011250106`}

Display of the convex hull is easy:

cHullDetailled = ConvexHullMesh[data, PlotTheme -> "Detailed"]


cHullPolygons = ConvexHullMesh[data, PlotTheme -> "Polygons" ]

Images are nice and as expected:

cHull1 cHullPolygons

Faces of the meshes can be computed with:

polygonsDetailled = MeshPrimitives[cHullDetailled, 2];

(* 48 *)


polygonsPolygons = MeshPrimitives[cHullPolygons, 2];

(* 48 *)

In both cases the reported polygons are the SAME triangles. How can I get the 4- and 5 -gons that I need for other computations instead?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ What version of Mathematica are you using? $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 29, 2021 at 13:28
  • $\begingroup$ I use Mathematica 12 $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 29, 2021 at 13:34
  • $\begingroup$ Perhaps: Try to combine neighboring triangles with the same normal? $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 29, 2021 at 13:54
  • $\begingroup$ @Ulrich Neumann: That is a possibility, but the second image shows that Mathematica has the answer internally. Is the no way to extract it? $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 29, 2021 at 13:59
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ does this answer work for you? $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Jan 29, 2021 at 14:00

3 Answers 3


This works in version 12.2.0:

MeshCellCount[ConvexHullMesh[data],  2]
ConvexHullMesh[data,  MeshCellStyle -> { 1 -> Red}] 

enter image description here

In earlier versions we get 48 triangles (co-planar triangles are not combined):

MeshCellCount[ConvexHullMesh[data], 2] (* version 11.3.0 *)

The following method (slightly modified version of this answer) works in both version 11.3.0 and version 12.2.0:

combineCoplanarFaces[t_: 10^-3][bmr_] := Module[{faces = MeshPrimitives[bmr, 2], 
   normals = Round[Region`Mesh`MeshCellNormals[bmr, 2], t]}, 
  Values @ GroupBy[Transpose[{normals, faces}], First -> Last, 
    If[Length@# == 1, #, 
      Polygon@#[[Last@FindShortestTour@#]] &@
       MeshCoordinates[RegionUnion@##]] &]]

Graphics3D[{EdgeForm[Thick], RandomColor[], #} & /@ 
 Boxed -> False, ImageSize -> Large]

enter image description here


Maybe this?:

chull = ConvexHullMesh[data];
polys = Cases[Show[chull], _Polygon, Infinity];
coords = First@
   Cases[Show@chull, GraphicsComplex[c_, ___] :> c, Infinity];

  {EdgeForm[Red], polys}

enter image description here

The value of polys is in terms of indices into coords:

{Polygon[{{18, 11, 10}, ..., {26, 18, 10, 21}, ..., {2, 1, 3, 5, 4}}]}

To get the individual faces:

faces = Cases[Normal@gg, _Polygon, Infinity];

Graphics3D[ {RandomColor[], #} & /@ faces]

enter image description here


Maybe this will do what you want.

First we create use ConvexHullMeshto create a BoundaryMeshRegion from your data. From this we then extract the 2-dim primitives, that is the triangles.

chm = ConvexHullMesh[data];
triangles = MeshPrimitives[chm, 2];

We now have all the triangles. If I understand you correctly, you want all faces that are composed from more tan one triangle. Toward this aim, we first gather all triangles with the same surface normal. This we store in the variable mfaces. The faces of only one triangle in sfaces. Note that there are 3 triangles in sfaces (No. 9,12,13) that are nearly in the same plane. This gave me a lot of trouble because it thought it they should be in mfaces.

nor[{p1_, p2_, p3_}] := (Sow[Normalize[Cross[p1 - p3, p2 - p3]]]; 
   Normalize[Cross[p1 - p3, p2 - p3]]);
faces = Gather[triangles, nor[#1[[1]]] == nor[#2[[1]]] &];
mfaces = Select[faces, Length[#] > 1 &];
mfaces = Select[faces, Length[#] > 1 &];
sfaces = Select[faces, Length[#] == 1 &];

Finally we plot all the faces that are no triangles:


enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you all, I also found RegionMeshMergeCells as an undocumented function (sorry I lost the link). $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 30, 2021 at 16:34

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