I'm using Mathematica 11, don't have access to new functions in Geodesate.
Edited to clarify my question
What I aim to do, it is to extract the angles and length of edges of a polyhedron (also in the case of geodesic polyhedrons, where edges are not regular).
PolyhedronData["Icosidodecahedron", "Net"]
I want to extract the angles and length of edges of the "planar" map.
How could I manipulate this object?
As second step, I want to extract the same properties for a geodesic polyhedron [GP]:
So for example, consider this GP:
PolyhedronData["GreatRhombicosidodecahedron"] , 2]],
SphericalRegion -> True, Boxed -> False, ViewAngle -> Pi/8
While a regular polyhedron has edges lentgh constant:
a geodesic polyhedron obtained from regular polygons may not have regular edges - better said, it can have more than one class of regular edges, see in the pictures a class of edges common to equilateral triangles and squares, a class of isoscele triangles within the squares and another class within of isoscele within the octagon:
How could I use the GraphicsComplex
object to extract the "Net" of it?
"GreatRhombicosidodecahedron"] , 2], "Net"]]
I am looking for a way to get the "Net" of a geodesic polyhedron, and to extract the length of its edges and angle between them.