I have this equation $$ D = 1.22 \frac{\lambda f}{R_{0} \sqrt{1+2 \alpha\Delta T}} $$ in which D is the diameter of the circular opening, and the parameters I want to vary to analyze the diffraction figure are wavelength $(\lambda)$, focal length $(f)$, initial aperture radius $(R_{0})$, expansion coefficient $(\alpha)$, temperature variation $(\Delta T)$.
First, I want to vary the value of $R_{0}$, and keep the values of $\alpha$ and $\Delta T$ fixed.
Second, I want to vary the value of $\alpha$, and keep the values of $R_{0}$ and $\Delta T$ fixed.
Third, I want to vary the value of $\Delta T$, and keep the values of $R_{0}$ and $\alpha$ fixed.
Is there a way to make a program like this and have it return the values of D and a graph with the modification that the diffraction figure underwent in these cases?
The diffraction figure is something like
The parameter values, for the wavelength: $\lambda = 514 nm $, $\lambda = 632 nm $, $\lambda = 750 nm $, for focal length: $f = 2 cm$, $f = 10 cm$, $f = 15 cm$, for the coefficient $\alpha = 8.6*10^{-6}$, $\alpha = 25*10^{-6}$, $\alpha = 18*10^{-6}$
Ranging $R_{0}$ in a range from 1mm to 10mm, fixed $\alpha = 8.6*10^{-6}$ and $\Delta T = 1$
Ranging from $\alpha$ to $\alpha = 8.6 * 10^{-6}$, $\alpha = 25*10^{-6}$, $\alpha = 18*10^{-6}$, fixed $R_{0}= 1mm$ and $\Delta T = 1$
Ranging $\Delta T$ from 0.1 to 1, fixed $R_{0} = 1mm$ and $\alpha = 8.6*10^{-6} $.
At first it would be that, but the idea is that I can change these values later in the program as I do more experiments.