I'm trying to solve the set of coupled equations
$$\frac{-N -2( \lambda + N(\frac{\beta}{\epsilon}-\lambda))\upsilon_l + N \upsilon_l^2-2(N-1)\gamma\upsilon_l^3}{\gamma-2\lambda\upsilon_l^2+\gamma\upsilon_l^4}=\sum_{j\neq l}^N \frac{2}{\upsilon_j-\upsilon_l}\,\,\,\,\,(1)$$
With the solutions $\upsilon_l$ I can compute the quantity
$$E=\frac{N \epsilon \lambda}{2}+\frac{\beta N}{2}-\frac{\epsilon}{2}\sum_{j=1}^N\upsilon_j-\frac{\epsilon \gamma}{N}\sum_{j=1}^{N-1}\sum_{l=j+1}^N\upsilon_j\upsilon_l\,\,\,\,\,(2)$$
Since the solutions of equation (1) are unique, each set $\{\upsilon_j\}$ gives me just one value to $E$ in (2), and I can check this value by another methods. I want to set $N=100,\,\lambda=5,\,\beta=0,\,\epsilon=1$ and vary $\gamma$ in the interval $[0,1]$. and find the solutions using FindRoot
. The solutions are very sensitive to the initial conditions, so I wrote a simple routine that uses the previous solutions as starting points to find the new ones. The program is the following:
ν[Npart_] := Table[Symbol["ν" <> ToString[i]], {i, 1, Npart}];
u[Npart_, j_] := ν[Npart][[j]];
BAE[Npart_, λ_, β_, ϵ_, γ_] :=
ParallelTable[(-Npart -
2 ( λ + Npart (β/ϵ - λ)) u[Npart,
l] + Npart u[Npart, l]^2 -
2 (-1 + Npart) γ u[Npart, l]^3)/(γ -
2 λ u[Npart, l]^2 + γ u[Npart, l]^4) ==
Sum[2/(u[Npart, j] - u[Npart, l]), {j,
Complement[Range[Npart], {l}]}], {l, 1, Npart}], 200];
Inicial points
BAEroots[Npart_, λ_, β_, ϵ_, γ_] :=
FindRoot[BAE[Npart, λ, β, ϵ, γ],
Table[{u[Npart, j], 0.01 + (j - 1)/Npart}, {j, 1, Npart}],
WorkingPrecision -> 200, AccuracyGoal -> 100, PrecisionGoal -> 100,
MaxIterations -> 1000]
NewRoots[Npart_, λ_, β_, ϵ_, γfinal_] :=
Block[{SP = BAEroots[Npart, λ, β, ϵ, 0]},
Do[NSP =
FindRoot[BAE[Npart, λ, β, ϵ, i],
Table[{u[Npart, j], u[Npart, j] /. SP}, {j, 1, Npart}],
WorkingPrecision -> 200, AccuracyGoal -> 100,
PrecisionGoal -> 100, MaxIterations -> 1000];
Print["γ = ", N[i]];
Print["roots : ", SetPrecision[NSP, 20]];
Print["Energy : ",
SetPrecision[((Npart ϵ λ)/2 + (β Npart)/
2 + -ϵ/
2 Sum[u[Npart, j], {j, 1, Npart}] - (ϵ i)/
Npart Sum[
u[Npart, j] u[Npart, l], {j, 1, Npart - 1}, {l, j + 1,
Npart}]) /. NSP, 20]];
SP = NSP, {i, 0, γfinal, γfinal/100}]]
The routine run well, but at some point an error occour
I know from theory that all roots must be real and positive. Have you any ideia about what's wrong? Any help will be much appreciable.
Regards, Dieff
P.S.: In the program, $Npart=N=100$