so I have a program that outputs a desired value for incrementing values of alpha. Right now, my program prints a list of these for 40 values of alpha in the form {alpha, newValue}.
d = 1000;
For[k = 1, k <= 40, k++,
alpha = 0.1*k;
fd = 3*d^2/(Pi^2);
fs = fd*FareySequence[d];
count = 0;
For[i = 1, i < fd, i++,
For[j = (i - 1), j > 0, j--,
If[(fs[[i]] - fs[[j]]) < alpha, count++, Break[]]];];
newValue = count/d^2;
Print["{", alpha, ",", newValue, "}"];
Here are the first few outputs:
I want to make a plot all of these outputs as coordinates. I want to plot these point on a graph with alpha on the x axis and newValue on the y axis. Any help would be appreciated.