I'm working with the logistic map $f(x,\lambda)=4\lambda x(1-x)$, and iterations of the logistic map $f^{(2^n)}(x,\lambda)=f^{(2^{n-1})}(f^{(2^{n-1})}(x,\lambda),\lambda)$. There are some special values $\lambda_n$ which have a $2^n$ cycle, have $f^{(2^n)}(1/2,\lambda_n)=1/2$, and which also have $\frac{d}{dx} f^{(2^n)}(x,\lambda_n)|_{x=1/2}=0$ by symmetry. For example, here are three of the functions $f^{(2)}(x,\lambda_1)$, $f^{2^2)}(x,\lambda_2)$, and $f^{(2^3)}(x,\lambda_3)$,
I've found $\lambda_0$ through $\lambda_{10}$, and I've found $\lambda_{11}$ but it's not very accurate. I'd like to push things a bit further and get $n=11,12,13,\ldots$ to a higher degree of accuracy but whenever I try to add accuracy and plug things into FindRoot I get Overflow[] errors! I've also tried using FindMinimum instead of FindRoot to no avail. This is confusing since f is a function from the unit interval to the unit interval, so it's impossible for the iterated $f$ to diverge no matter what value of $\lambda\in[0,1]$ is plugged in. I imagine that the gradients of the functions can get large, but the gradients near $x=1/2$ should be on the order of $\alpha^{11}\approx 24000$ where $\alpha\approx 2.5$ is Feigenbaum's second constant. So it feels like this problem is solvable even with machine precision, and it should be easily solved by an arbitrary precision arithmetic library.
I've also restricted FindRoot and FindMinimum to the domain $[0.89,0.9]$, which is where all the rest of the $\lambda_n$ should be.
Is there any way to fix this code? How is this code producing an overflow even though the function is restricted to the interval [0,1]?
Note that $\lambda_{n+1}-\lambda_n \approx (\lambda_{n}-\lambda_{n-1})/\delta$, where $\delta\approx 4.6692016$ is Feigenbaum's first constant, so the lambda values do get very close to each other very quickly.
I'm working with Mathematica 11.3
(* Define the logistic map and iterated logistic map *)
f[x_?NumericQ,lambda_?NumericQ]:=4 lambda x(1-x);
(* starting estimates for the roots whose precision I'd like to improve. l[8] through l[10] are accurate to about 16 digits, and l[11] is less accurate but very close. *)
(* Try to find better approximations to the root using FindRoot *)
(* Trying the same with FindMinimum *)
I should also note that without the precision arguments, things converge just fine (although lambda[11] is still very inaccurate):
{l[8], l[9], l[10], l[11]} = {0.8924846935583266, 0.8924860486520165, 0.8924863388716187, 0.8924864027916384};
Table[FindRoot[f[2^k, 1/2, lambda] - 1/2, {lambda, l[k], 0.89, 0.9}], {k, 8, 11}]