Question: Why do I get error messages such as "LessEqual::nord: Invalid comparison with 1. -1.59148 I attempted." when I try to plot the function f[z,k] defined below with for example the Plot invocation illustrated below?
f[z_, k_] := (
I E^(-((2 I \[Pi])/k))
HurwitzLerchPhi[E^(-((2 I \[Pi])/k)), 1, 1 + (I z)/(2 \[Pi])])/(
2 \[Pi])
Plot[{Abs@f[s, 2]}, {s, -10, 10}, GridLines -> Automatic]
Exclusions -> None
. I'd say this is a (very minor) bug. The message should be turned off, whilePlot
is figuring out discontinuities. You should report it to WRI, imo. $\endgroup$