I would like to to express the result of my integration just in terms of Gamma functions. The following integral is at hand:
$$ \int_0^1dz\int_0^1dy(z(1-z))^{-\epsilon}(1-y)^{1-2\epsilon}y^{-1-\epsilon}(z(1-z)-2) $$
yielding the result with mathematica
$$ \frac{\sqrt{\pi}2^{2\epsilon-3}(7\epsilon-11)\Gamma(2-2\epsilon)\Gamma(1-\epsilon)\Gamma(-\epsilon)}{\Gamma(2-3\epsilon)\Gamma(\frac{5}{2}-\epsilon)}, $$
where one can rewrite the $\sqrt{\pi}2^{2\epsilon-3}$ in terms of Gamma functions. By employing
Series[%, {\[Epsilon], 0, 0}]
we obtain
$$ \frac{11}{6\epsilon}+\frac{1}{6}\left(4+11\gamma+22\log(2)+11\psi^{(0)}\left(\frac{5}{2}\right)\right)+\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^1). $$
Is it possible to express the result of the integration in terms of Gamma functions or to express the last line as $\frac{11}{6\epsilon}+\frac{50}{9}+\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^1)$?