
Find $\frac{dy}{dx}$ if $x\sqrt{1+y}+y\sqrt{1+x}=0$ for $-1\leq x\leq 1$

$$\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{-1}{(1+x)^2}\text{ if }x\neq y$$

If it was like $y=\sqrt{1+x}$ i think i know how to do it


but how do i differentiate the functions like the one above ?


4 Answers 4


Perhaps not the most optimal method, but you could:

  1. Take the total derivative with respect to x
  2. Solve for y'[x]
  3. Solve the given equation for y
  4. Substitute (3) in (2)
  5. Simplify, assuming bounds for x given

           Solve[Dt[x \[Sqrt](1 + y) + y \[Sqrt](1 + x), x] == 0, 
                 Dt[y, x]] /. 
               y -> Solve[x \[Sqrt](1 + y) + y \[Sqrt](1 + x) == 0, y][[1, 1, 2]],
            Assumptions -> {x >= -1, x <= 1}][[1, 1, 2]]


-(1/(1 + x)^2)

Edit: @Nasser gives the "more optimal" method I suggested in the beginning. I do too much solving and differentiating.

Instead of Differentiating, Solving, Solving, Substituting, and Simplifying (5 steps); why not just Substitute, Solve, Differentiate, and Simplify (4 steps) (Nasser's improvement)? Alternatively (my slight improvement), just Solve, Differentiate, and Simplify (3 steps):

Dt[Solve[x √(1 + y) + y √(1 + x) == 0, y], 
  x] // Simplify


{{Dt[y, x] -> -(1/(1 + x)^2)}}

Easier to look at version: Traditional Form output

It turns out that including the bounds on x are redundant! However, if you wish to include them (again, unnecessary):

Simplify[Dt[Solve[Sqrt[x + 1] y + x Sqrt[y + 1] == 0, y], {x}], 
 Assumptions -> {x >= -1 && x <= 1}]

Why not just

expr = x Sqrt[1+y]+y Sqrt[1+x]==0;
expr = expr/.y->y[x];

Mathematica graphics

I am not sure if this is what the above answer is doing, but I get different output, from each so I thought to post this. If it turns out to be just a extra simplification step is needed, will delete my answer.


Just substitude y->y[x]

First atttempt:

Solve[0 == D[x Sqrt[1 + y[x]] + y[x] Sqrt[1 + x], x], y'[x]][[1]]
(*{Derivative[1][y][x] -> (Sqrt[1 + y[x]] (y[x] + 2 Sqrt[1 + x] Sqrt[1 + y[x]]))/(Sqrt[1 + x] (-x - 2 Sqrt[1 + x] Sqrt[1 + y[x]]))} *)

Everything is ok but knowledge about y is not included.

Final answer

eq= x \[Sqrt](1 + y[x]) + y[x] \[Sqrt](1 + x);
(* {y[x] -> -(x/(1 + x)), Derivative[1][y][x] -> -(1/(1 + x)^2)} *)
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ How does that answer the OP's question? $\endgroup$
    – Max Coplan
    Commented Apr 18, 2018 at 20:45
  • $\begingroup$ @MaxCoplan Why not, the OP has not said that the answer should be in terms of x. $\endgroup$
    – yarchik
    Commented Apr 18, 2018 at 21:11
  • $\begingroup$ thnx. but i am trying to get the same simplified answer as i have obtained whn solved myself. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 18, 2018 at 22:09
  • $\begingroup$ @yarchik That's better now. OP did ask for the answer to be y'=-1/(x+1)^2, which is a function of x. UlrichNeumann now has it in terms of x $\endgroup$
    – Max Coplan
    Commented Apr 19, 2018 at 13:19

The function and its implicit derivative both vanish, so that gives a system of two equations in the two variables {y[x],y'[x]} to solve in terms of x.

expr = x *Sqrt[1 + y] + y*Sqrt[1 + x];
eyx = expr /. y -> y[x];
Simplify[y'[x] /. First[Solve[{D[eyx, x], eyx} == 0, {y[x], y'[x]}]]]

(* Out[43]= (
4 x + 3 x^2 - 4 Sqrt[1/(1 + x)] (1 + x)^(5/2))/((1 + x)^2 (2 + x)^2) *)

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