I would like to specify the radius used for the "MeanShift"
of FindClusters
. Where in the documentation can this information be found?
For a minimal example.
dis = MixtureDistribution[{1, 1, 1, 1}, {
MultinormalDistribution[{-1, -3}, {{.5, 0}, {0, .5}}],
MultinormalDistribution[{-3, 1}, {{.5, 0}, {0, .5}}],
MultinormalDistribution[{1, 4}, {{.5, 0}, {0, .5}}],
MultinormalDistribution[{0, 0}, {{.5, 0}, {0, .5}}]}];
data = RandomVariate[dis, 500];
ListPlot[data, PlotRange -> All]
ListPlot[FindClusters[data, Method -> "MeanShift"]]
I want to tweak the radius such that it returns 4 clusters. I know I can use the "KMeans"
method with a target of 4 clusters but I can't pre-select the clusters in all instances.