
I want to map the 500-dims unit vectors to 128-dims and it know some knowledge(43-dims).

So I write this code:

Labels = RandomReal[1, {INPUTNOTE, 43}];
data1 = Transpose[{Range[INPUTNOTE], Labels}];
net1 = NetChain[{128, 256, Ramp, 256, Ramp, 256, Ramp, 43}, "Input" -> INPUTNOTE, "Output" -> 43]

enter image description here

generator1 = Function[Map[UnitVector[INPUTNOTE, #[[1]]] -> #[[2]] &,RandomSample[data1, #BatchSize]]];

{net1, LossEvolutionPlot} = NetTrain[net1, generator1, MeanSquaredLossLayer[], {"TrainedNet", "LossEvolutionPlot"}, BatchSize ->64, MaxTrainingRounds -> Round[INPUTNOTE/64]*150];

LossEvolutionPlot is:


The Maximum MSE is:

Table[Mean[(net1[UnitVector[INPUTNOTE, data1[[i, 1]]]] - data1[[i, 2]])^2], {i, INPUTNOTE}] // Max


And then extract the encode net:

MatrixPlot[Transpose[NetExtract[net1, 1][UnitVector[INPUTNOTE, #]] & /@ Range[INPUTNOTE]]]

enter image description here

But it has some disadvantage,for example

  1. if MaxTrainingRounds get larger(MaxTrainingRounds -> Round[INPUTNOTE/64]*300)

    LossEvolutionPlot will be strange:(it falls down and then go up)

    enter image description here

    And Maximum MSE is:

    Table[Mean[(net1[UnitVector[INPUTNOTE, data1[[i, 1]]]] - data1[[i, 2]])^2], {i, INPUTNOTE}] // Max


  2. Another disadvantage is when input have some repeated values,for example:

    data2 = Transpose[{RandomChoice[Range[450], INPUTNOTE], Labels}];
    (*same network*)
    net2 = NetChain[{128, 256, Ramp, 256, Ramp, 256, Ramp, 43}, "Input" -> INPUTNOTE, "Output" -> 43];
    generator2 = Function[Map[UnitVector[INPUTNOTE, #[[1]]] -> #[[2]] &,RandomSample[data2, #BatchSize]]];
    {net2, LossEvolutionPlot} = NetTrain[net2, generator2,MeanSquaredLossLayer[], {"TrainedNet", "LossEvolutionPlot"},BatchSize -> 64, MaxTrainingRounds -> Round[INPUTNOTE/64]*150];

    LossEvolutionPlot is:

    enter image description here

    The Maximum MSE is:

    Table[Mean[(net2[UnitVector[INPUTNOTE, data2[[i, 1]]]] - data2[[i, 2]])^2], {i, INPUTNOTE}] // Max


So is there a better way to reduce dimensions based on some knowledge?

Can we Use embedding layer or using some other methods?


1 Answer 1


Dimension reduction is often used in text processing applications, in order to collapse the large vocabulary to a smaller manageable size.

You can use the embedding layer in dimension reduction like this:

data = Transpose[{Range[INPUTNOTE], Labels}];
generator = Function[Map[#[[1]] -> #[[2]] &, RandomSample[data1, #BatchSize]]];

net = NetChain[{EmbeddingLayer[128, 
    "Input" -> NetEncoder[{"Class", Range[1, 500]}]], Ramp, 

{net, LossEvolutionPlot} = 
 NetTrain[net, generator, 
  MeanSquaredLossLayer[], {"TrainedNet", "LossEvolutionPlot"}, 
  BatchSize -> 64, MaxTrainingRounds -> 2 Round[INPUTNOTE/64]*300]

enter image description here

For your second "disadvantage", in my opinion, I don't think you can do much about it. Allowing the repeated values is similar as encoding the same word into different vectors, which doesn't seem to be consistent to me.


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