If I arrange output in a Grid
, which is nice to summarize work, the output ends up greyed (or not bold?) compared to regular output. Here's an example:
ClearAll[ display, nplus, nminus, theta, phi]
display = {theta -> Subscript[θ, 0], phi -> Subscript[ϕ, 0]} ;
nplus = {E^(-I phi) Cos[theta/2], Sin[theta/2]} ;
nminus = {-E^(-I phi) Sin[theta/2], Cos[theta/2]} ;
{#1, " = ", (#2 // FullSimplify) /. display // TraditionalForm} & @@@ {
{"|+>", nplus // MatrixForm},
{"|->", nminus // MatrixForm}
} // Grid
(nplus /. display) // MatrixForm // TraditionalForm
(nminus /. display) // MatrixForm // TraditionalForm
Which looks like:
The greyed output can be almost unreadable once printed (using a print configuation: Printing Settings -> Printing Environment -> Printout
What is controlling the Grid
vs normal output style, and how can I change it to match the default output style?