The problem
I'm trying to calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix that depends on a parameter x
. As x
changes, I get a series of eigenvalues and eigenvectors corresponding to different x. Then I need to sort the eigenvalues and eigenvectors so that I get a continuous change. I can make it work, but the code runs too slow. Here are the details:
This is the function that generates the matrix that depends on x
H[x_,nBlock_:21] := Module[{tridiag, diagL, diag},
tridiag = {{0, x/2}, {x/2, 0}};
diag = {{-1/2, 0}, {0, 1/2}};
diagL = IdentityMatrix[{2, 2}];
SparseArray[{Band[{1, 1}] ->
Table[diag + diagL*(i - nBlock/2), {i, 1/2, nBlock - 1/2}],
Band[{3, 1}] -> Table[tridiag, {nBlock - 1}],
Band[{1, 3}] -> Table[tridiag, {nBlock - 1}]}]
For a specific x
, we calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and sort them according to the eigenvalue. Then we do this for a series of x
{valls, vecls} =
Transpose@SortBy[Transpose[Eigensystem[H[x]]], First], {x, 0.1, 5, 0.1}];
Here is what the 19th to 24th eigenvalues look like, as a function of x. We can see that there are some "avoided" crossings in the eigenvalues (notice how the colors change near those crossings).
ListPlot[Transpose[valls][[19 ;; 24]], Joined -> True]
And the goal is to fix that by reordering the eigenvalues and eigenvectors in each x so that the eigenvalues look like this (notice the colors of the curve)
ListPlot[Transpose[valSortls][[19 ;; 24]], Joined -> True]
The algorithm for reorderring is like this: Say we have eigenvectors {v1,v2,v3,...}
corresponding to the matrix H[x]
, and {u1,u2,u3...}
corresponding to H[x+dx]
, and we want to reorderring {u1,u2,u3...}
based on {v1,v2,v3,...}
. Then the correct vector at the first place should be the one in {u1,u2,u3...}
that has the largest projection on v1
. For example, if u1
is the correct vector, then it should satisfy Abs[Conjugate[v1].u1]>Abs[Conjugate[v1].u2]
and Abs[Conjugate[v1].u1]>Abs[Conjugate[v1].u3]
. The same is true for the other vectors in {u1,u2,u3...}
. Moreover, I know that the crossing only happens between the neighbors.
My implementation
I tried a rudimentary implementation:
a function sort two vector lists, and return the ordering index:
sortVecs[vecls1_, vecls2_] := Module[{vecSort, lth, veclth, neib},
lth = Length[vecls1];
neib = Select[{n - 1, n, n + 1}, lth >= # >= 1 &];
SortBy[Transpose[{neib, vecls2[[neib]]}],
Abs[Conjugate[vecls1[[n]]].#[[2]]] &]]
, {n, 1, lth}]
and the function that sorts both the eigenvectors and eigenvalues:
sortEigensystem[{valls_, vecls_}] :=
Module[{lth = Length[valls], vallsSorted, veclsSorted, vec, val, ordering},
vallsSorted = {};
veclsSorted = {};
vec = vecls[[1]];(*list of vectors being sorted*)
val = valls[[1]];(*the corresponding values being sorted*)
veclsSorted = Append[veclsSorted, vec];
vallsSorted = Append[vallsSorted, val];
ordering = sortVecs[vec, vecls[[n + 1]]];
vec = vecls[[n + 1]][[ordering]];
val = valls[[n + 1]][[ordering]];
veclsSorted = Append[veclsSorted, vec];(*append the sorted vectors*)
vallsSorted = Append[vallsSorted, val];(*append the sorted values*)
, {n, 1, lth - 1}];
{vallsSorted, veclsSorted}
Here is a test
{valSortls, vecSortls} = sortEigensystem[{valls, vecls}]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* {0.030064, Null} *)
How can I make sortEigensystem run faster? For my real situation, I need to sort about 1000 400X400 matrixes.
{valls, vecls} =
Table[Transpose@SortBy[Transpose[Eigensystem[H[x,201]]], First], {x,
0.1, 10, 0.01}];
{valSortls, vecSortls} =
sortEigensystem[{valls, vecls}]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* {27.7415, Null} *)
I would like to reduce the time to less than 10 seconds if that is possible.