I am trying to plot a surface of
$$z=\sin^{(k)}(x),\text{where (k) means nesting the function k times}$$
to visualise the fixed points and their neighbourhood to visually analyse their behaviour.
Currently, the following (adapted from this link) give me a contour version of the above:
f[x_] := Sin[x]
Show[Table[Plot[Nest[f, x, i], {x, -π, π},
PlotRange -> {-1, 1}, PlotStyle -> ColorData["Rainbow", 0.5 + i/10]], {i, 1, 10}]]
However, I want to space out the contours along the $k$ axis so that e.g. $\sin(x)$ corresponds to $k=1$, $\sin(\sin(x))$ corresponds to $k=2$ and so on...
Below is my most recent attempt at doing it:
f[x_] := Sin[x]
data[x_] := Table[{Nest[f, x, i], i}, {i, 0, 10}]
ListPlot3D[data[x], {x, -π, π}]
which gives me an error
SetDelayed::write: Tag List in {{x,0},{Sin[x],1},{Sin[Sin[x]],2},
{Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[<<1>>]]]]]],10}}[x_] is Protected. >>
Strangely the data behind seemed to be interpreted correctly
ListPlot3D[{{x, 0}, {Sin[x], 1}, {Sin[Sin[x]], 2}, {Sin[Sin[Sin[x]]],
3}, {Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[x]]]], 4}, {Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[x]]]]],
5}, {Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[x]]]]]],
6}, {Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[x]]]]]]],
7}, {Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[x]]]]]]]],
8}, {Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[x]]]]]]]]],
9}, {Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[Sin[x]]]]]]]]]], 10}}[x], {x, -\[Pi], \[Pi]}]
I was suspecting that ListPlot3D cannot read my input is probably because I have mixed data type. In details
$$z\in \mathbb{R}$$ $$x \in [-\pi,\pi]$$ but $$k \in \{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10\}$$
From browsing the documentation, I am not aware of any examples of plots made from a mix of discrete and continuous variables as plotting arguments, thus I am not sure how to plot the surface I want.
I am not sure how to circumvent/cheat it without taking too much computation time since if my set of points $x$ is too sparse, it will fail to display the sinusoidal feature (which will be a problem because I am planning to apply this code on other iterative functions, such as the logistic map), but if my sampling is too dense, it will probably took too much computation time
Any ideas on what I can do?
P.S. To give an idea on what I am trying to achieve, refer to the below sketch:
which after interpolation along $k$, will give a nice surface.