I have an external python code that computes a bunch of data, which I read into Mathematica as a table, so: Import["Documents\Hubbard\Python\data.dat", "Table"];
These files are quite large so I couldn't show them in their entirety here, but they look something like {{x0,y0,z0},{x1,y1,z1},...} and so on for let's say N coordinate triplets.
Now, ListPlot3D or ListPointPlot3D work fine for plotting this data, but my isse is that I do not want a surface, not even with the default mesh lines in the x- and y-directions.
How do I plot this data with only having mesh lines going along one of the coordinates? Look in the image below for what I would like to have. I tried Mesh command but it doesn't seem to work well with the above Plot commands - and honestly the Help pages sound a bit like gibberish to me.
Any ideas?
Edit: Forgot to add the closest "guess" I have for a command line:
ListPointPlot3D[SC, MeshFunctions -> {#1 &, None}]
Where I'm using ListPointPlot to avoid the automatic surface that ListPlot creates, however the command creates an error :-(