I have only just started using Mathematica Online and I have encountered a problem already with the ubiquitous closing square bracket ]
using a Spanish key board. I am working on a laptop using Windows 7 and the way to input the closing square bracket into a notebook is by using ALT GR or CTRL + ALT and hitting the key two positions to the right of the 'p' (same key where the ]
is located on a US keyboard). When I do that, it doesn't insert the square bracket, but an orange =
sign with a small input box instead (for natural language input I assume).
There seem to have been similar problems with older versions of the desktop version of Mathematica, but the work arounds I could find are not applicable to Mathematica Online. Short of copying and pasting the closing bracket from elsewhere into the notebook or remapping the keys on the keyboard, is there any other way to resolve this? Has anybody else encountered this problem? Obviously, since I am working on a laptop, switching keyboards isn't a straightforward option.